Thursday, November 01, 2012

Peace. Yes, Even This Week.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  ... John 14:27


Now there's an amazing verse for the week before the presidential election.

I sit at my computer and watch too many fearful, all-their-hope-in-one-candidate-basket Christians. Anytime Christians act and believe like the non-Christians we see in news stories, it saddens me, makes me sit a little closer beside Jesus so my heart won't be troubled or afraid in all the grasping-by-the-throat panic around me on Facebook, in the bad-mouthing tv commercials, in conversations with relatives and friends.

"Be still and know that I am God," Jesus tells me. 

Oh, to be still. To pray. To speak with Him, to hear the calmness in His voice and come away, changed, with a slower heart rate, even. To make choices in wisdom, to do what we're called to do-- and then leave the results to God.

Jesus doesn't panic. All His hope for the future isn't based upon whether his favorite candidate wins.

"My peace I give to you," He says.

And  when I drive down the street to the supermarket today, when I push my cart downs the aisles, I'll do so in peace. His peace, not the worldly kind which comes only when my candidate wins (and gets obliterated when he doesn't), but rather, Jesus' peace which remains no matter who's sitting behind a desk in a big white building in Washington D.C. (no president gave us supernatural, financial miracles nearly all of Tom's 20 unemployment months).  Peace no matter how many huge winds may blow away dreams or how often the ground shakes, causing houses to crumble.

Peace. The kind no one can snatch away.


2 Corinthians 4:7-9 
But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.

Psalm 27:1 
The Lord is my light and my salvation; Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; Of whom shall I be afraid? 

Romans 8:15 
For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. 



    I have made You too small in my eyes,
    Oh Lord, forgive me.
    And I have believed in a lie,
    That You were unable to help me.
    But now Oh Lord, I see my wrong.
    Heal my heart and show Yourself strong;
    And in my eyes and with my song,
    Oh Lord, be magnified,
    Oh Lord, be magnified.

       Be magnified, Oh Lord,
       You are highly exalted;
       And there is nothing You can't do,
       Oh Lord my eyes are on You.
       Be magnified, Oh Lord, be magnified.

    I have leaned on the wisdom of men,
    Oh Lord, forgive me;
    And I have responded to them
    Instead of Your light and Your mercy;
    But now Oh Lord, I see my wrong.
    Heal my heart and show Yourself strong;
    And in my eyes and with my song.
    Oh Lord be magnified
    Oh Lord be magnified.

    Lyrics by Don Moen


    Missing peace in your daily life? Here's a message with some nitty-gritty truth as to why that may be.

    Listen only if you dare desire change. :)



  1. Jesus is King. When you truly believe that, it doesn't really matter who is president. Thanks for the reminder, Debra.

  2. Well said, Debra.
    I do still struggle to understand the fear so many people have.
    Although I do believe elections are IMPORTANT, they will not change an unchanging God.

  3. So very true. Regardless of who is president,God is in control!

  4. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Thank you for the reminder. ....The president might be the head of the United States but Jesus rules over the whole world. No comparison. It is Him who has our whole lives in His hands and should be directing our paths. To know what He has for us we do not have to watch a news conference, or even read one newspaper,..we just need to spend quality time with HIm. His gifts are free, His love is unending, His rules are for our well being. No one knows us better or wants us to succeed in the life He has created for each of us to live like He does. He, His Father and the Holy Ghost are there to help us , lend comfort, support or knowledge. Because we are Theirs. Sarah

  5. Agree, agree, agree!

    Today, Obama sits in the oval office, but Jesus sits on the throne.

    My faith is in YOU Lord!


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