Friday, November 23, 2012

My Past Two Days

Ah, yesterday. Thanksgiving. Mine was different than yours, I'll guarantee, but probably our delight from the day is comparable.

Perhaps no one else in America did this, but on Thanksgiving morning I organized the pantries in my kitchen and basement. Carried groceries up the stairs, down the stairs and made mental notes like, "Absolutely no more cans of tomatoes, Debra! Even if they give them away as door prizes, do not bring anymore home." 

And well, is there anything quite like that sweet feeling of bringing order out of chaos? 

Later I sat at the sunny dining room window phone-chatting with my mom and tried to keep from giggling while Daniel The Cat grabbed and held my arm, playfully biting it again and again.

In the incredible 58 degrees, our neighbors' three adult children from other towns tossed a football to each other in the street. I stepped outside in the bright sunlight, strolled beside my flower beds and then carried some breakable decor to Debra's Shelf (so labeled) in the garage, Winter being on its way, after all.

Oh, and I baked an apple pie, one with just a top crust so to cut down on fat and calories. Always I make them that way.

No Miracle on 34th Street this year, just more Numb3rs (yes, I'm addicted). Sammy and Daniel basked at their favorite place: the clear storm door at the back and lounged like they were at the beach. 

But 12 hours alone does feel long at times, and then after the turkey spent 4 1/2 hours in the oven, Tom arrived home from work (where he watched movies with his co-worker, first time at that plant). And after a bite to eat (we'd both nibbled on stuff all day) and an episode of Person of Interest, Naomi called and we all chatted over speaker phone and how marvelous to hear the happiness in her voice at where her life is heading.

Then I slipped into bed, switched on The Dick Van Dyke Show and smiled upon my pillow, thanking God for sending us such an incredibly sunny and warm Thanksgiving Day. For it was... one of those bright days to recall during a dark Winter's afternoon ahead.


Tom now has 4 1/2 days off, his first regular weekend in quite awhile, our anniversary weekend, in fact, so we are blessed. 

I actually went out this Black Friday morning (!), but never fear... only to our supermarket where life and shopping were still sane. 

Later, Tom and I drove to the theater and watched Red Dawn which many of you wouldn't like (I'm thinking). Oh, the violence (but at least with violence I can close my eyes) and some naughty words were spoken (but I promise not to repeat them). Yet we enjoyed the movie much and came away more grateful than ever for the current freedoms we enjoy in our Country. (When the North Koreans took over at the beginning, I whispered to Tom, "I'd have just hidden in the basement until it was all over.") 

You know, me and all the canned goods we have down there in my newly organized pantry.  (Such bravery, right?)

And then we came home to turkey sandwiches like good little American citizens. :)



  1. Ha ha, I can picture you hiding in the basement with all that delicious food and emerging safe and sound when the invasion is repelled.
    Your Thanksgiving was unique, I agree with you. Bless your heart for all the organizing you do.
    Our wedding anniversary is Nove. 20, close in time to yours. Happy celebration.

  2. It was a beautiful thanksgiving day weather wise, wasn't it. Quite a change now, though, as we went to bed with snow on the ground that started at 8:00 p.m. just like the weather man said it would, and it's still snowing least here in Franklinville. Tomorrow we will head back up to the Buffalo airport and on home to sunny southern California.

    We saw Lincoln just before we flew here for thanksgiving and really enjoyed it, so you may want to give it a try. Blessings to you and Tom.

  3. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Our thanksgiving went pretty perfect. Family together. How much better could it get? :) It was 80 degrees so we ate outside which we usually do on thanksgiving.
    I am so out of it... I take it Red Dawn is a remake of the first Red Dawn. If so how did it compare to the first one? Sarah

  4. Terra--happy belated anniversary! I hope yours was extra nice. And thanks for making me smile with your comment about hiding in my basement. :)

    Bonnie--oh, I know--such gorgeous Thanksgiving weather! And then that 20 degree drop the next day and ever since. Oh well, it's November in Buffalo after all. :) We nearly went and saw Lincoln on Saturday, but perhaps we'll go tomorrow. Tom's more the history buff, but I'll see just about any morally decent film because I do enjoy the old-fashioned-ness of sitting in a dark theater. Besides, we earned a free ticket with our last visit. :)

    Sarah--so glad you had such a great Thanksgiving! (80 degrees--wow!). I didn't see the original Red Dawn so I can't compare it, but the Christian reviewer I read before going did and he compares it a bit here:

    Thanks to each of you for stopping by and commenting during this holiday season! Blessings, Debra


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