Sunday, October 14, 2012

Trusting Rather Than Fearing

Since I'm on an exotic vacation (ha!), today I'm going to lead you over to an amazing post by Stephanie: Fearing The News

Here's a peek:
"However you cut it, this kind of fear is a failure to trust God. We must look to what he says:
He has determined the times and places we will live.  (Acts 17:26)
Like Queen Esther, we and our children were born for such a time as this."
Oh, that blessed my socks off.
I asked God this week to lead me to at least one brave, courageous blog post written by a woman and He led me to Stephanie's post
She said (incredibly well) things I'm way too chicken to say... but things which roll around in my head often.
(Me. heh)

And here's her awesome companion post to it: Fear of Culture. I soooo appreciated both. Wow.


  1. Thank you for the link, Debra. That post is spot on.

    Have a great day.

  2. Thanks so much for the link love!


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