Tuesday, October 09, 2012

A Welcomed Ending

My kitchen window tree near sunset.


After shopping at WalMart last week, I wound my way out of the parking lot and suddenly had this thought, "My shopping season is over." 

I felt Grace float down my shoulders, down through the car floor, nearly. Part of me thought, "Bummer. This rare summer shopping season was an adventure!" 

And yet? I also thought this: "What a relief. This replacing of things, this making up for 20 months of no extra shopping and this working hard on our house and yard was feeling, well, tiresome."

Endings. Grace dribbling away, moving over to another project (perhaps a saving season to begin?), signaling a necessary end before a new beginning can be birthed. So the test becomes-- can I let go, will I find where Grace awaits and will I make the new adventure as good as the last? 

Welcoming endings rather than resenting them always helps me find new beginnings more quickly.


Autumn! It's like a daily celebration parade leaving trails of confetti, evidence of good times for me to rake into piles for the street sweeper.

Other people may be full of political discontent and fear, but I'll not be ruining my life with that, not when Jesus did this for me:

"I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)."  ... John 10:10

I am enjoying, splashing around in overflow of glorious Autumn. Increasing in love for God and others, learning new lessons, growing in understanding... awakening from all evidences of that slumber which aims to keep our eyes and ears shut while upon Earth. And anticipating more sweetness than what I've already known. 



The Happy Breed. Some of you will truly love this old classic movie. Watched it yesterday instantly through Netflix and was surprised at the delights it afforded me.


"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  ... John 14:27

Found this photo here at Facebook. Nifty, huh?



  1. So beautifully said ,as always.

  2. Thank-you, Elizabeth. Much. Blessings, Debra

  3. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Hello. I enjoy your pictures. I am a new reader of your blog and am not familiar with your family. I am a bit confused as to who Grace is. Was wondering if this was a young daughter of yours? Is she special needs? You mentioned her dribbling on the floor. I, too have a special needs child.
    I will continue reading.

  4. Hi Kay! I always enjoy hearing from new readers of my blog. Welcome! Actually, I just tend to get a bit whimsical with Grace--"she" is the grace which God gives us to handle situations which otherwise would be hard and un-fun. Grace helps us to gracefully what, on our own, would be a struggle and I like to picture her as a woman who lives with me to help me do my work and my callings. :)

    Thanks for asking about that! Do you have a blog in which you speak of your special needs child? If so, I would love to read your story. Really.

    Blessings, Debra

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    Thank you for responding to my comment. Now I understand what you meant. Boy was I way off base! No, I don't have a blog of my own. I really have no extra time right now. I am working full time in nursing, taking care of my child and going to school for my masters degree in nursing and management.

    I will continue reading.



Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.