Wednesday, October 03, 2012

A Peek At The Red Door. And More.

Sigh. I can only give you a peek at our red door because 1.) its shiny newness makes the white-gone-grey trim around it look more ghastly than ever and 2.) I'm still too much of a perfectionist.

And we're in another cloud bank today. And it's misty.

And one of  the Paint Guys just came by to pick up his ladder (while I painted a dining room chair outside in the mist...argh...) and mentioned that the boss says they may not get over here till Monday to paint all the trim.

But our company from California (who we've not seen in 30+ years) is coming this Saturday.

And I'm thinking of painting the trim around the door, myself, rather than wait.

And I called my mom because it's her birthday and she told me who to vote for and why and questioned my patriotism (told her I refuse to put my hope in any man) and made me feel 14 again. Gave much other advice I didn't ask for and shared some sad news about a young relative. (Well, all that doesn't have much to do with the door situation. But still.)

And blah, blah, blah.

But anyway, even Tom, Mr. It's-a-Sin-To-Paint-Over-Wood, loved the door when he saw it last night. And not just pretend-liked-it, either. But truly appreciated the difference, which I appreciated because oil paint is a bugger, especially on a rainy day, and especially when you have two big, hairy cats who love to lean against things you don't wish them to.

Disappointment! Learn how to deal with disappointment, how to substitute faith and lean upon godly love, instead, and you'll still see Good Days. Even when you receive bad news and your plans change ten times over. 

Become strong on the inside and what's happening on the outside will not shake you. At least, that's what I kept telling myself while painting that chair outside in the grey mist.


I'd really appreciate your prayers for Naomi. She has a cough which is part of something else, something she's having to fight on her own. And being a mom, I'm tempted to worry, but over and over, I remind myself that our prayers work by faith, not worry. 

Thanks so much.


That conversation with my mom? That kind of thing always reminds me to give my own daughter some credit. To treat her like the adult that she is.


Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." 
Psalm 34:8
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him."



  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Love what I can see of the door so far! I like this style of door. It lets in light but also gives privacy. My Grandmother had a door just like that. I never thought of the cats around you while you painted! Yikes!! I remember those days!! :) Yes I will pray for your Naomi, my son has a chronic back problem and they are probably the same age. Sarah

  2. Dolores3:08 PM

    Dear Debra, Sorry to hear Naomi is not feeling well. I have said a prayer.

  3. Debra, I love your red door! If it were not against our home owners association rules, I would be painting mine red! Praying for Naomi and you!

  4. Love the red door, it looks very similar to what mine was. I too used an oil based paint, but it never faded and looked great for many years.
    I'll be praying for Naomi too!

  5. Praying for Naomi.

  6. Love the red door, Debra! And the green knocker. Perfect. Sorry to hear Naomi's not well. Praying for a quick recovery and no worries for her mama. We visited our two daughters this week (who live about 45 minutes apart in Missouri) and I, too, was reminded that they are grown now and just need their mom's unconditional love and advice ONLY when they ask for it. I'm thankful they do occasionally ask because I do so love to give advice. ; )


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