Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Golden Day

Yesterday? Simply incredible.

Tom arrived home at 7 a.m. from his final of 12, 12-hour night-shifts in a row(!) Oh! We both rejoiced over that. And he even drove upon the new driveway and parked inside the garage, too, for the first time in 27 days since that's how long it takes for concrete to set. No more parking on the street, thank-goodness (Debra + parallel parking = neighbors' hilarity).

Later after Tom went to bed, I walked around our neighborhood beneath autumn skies and while breathing-in glorious October scents I snapped these pictures. Oh, that autumn slant of light!

On one curb, even, someone placed lots of those little craft magazines from the 70's and I grabbed just four of them (exercised much self-control), three 1974 Pack-o-Fun holiday issues and one Quick & Easy Crochet from 1988. Browsed delightedly through them when I arrived home.

In our mailbox I discovered a wonderful book I ordered, one by Pam Conrad called Our House: Stories of Levittown.** I browsed through some pages and knew it will be special. I posted the photo of us and our California friends on Facebook and received many kind comments.

Eventually Tom got out of bed and then he called our favorite Chinese food place and when our meal finally arrived (we always cringe when the non-English-speaking mom answers the phone) we munched and watched our Netflixed, Snow White and the Huntsman which also arrived in the mail and which started out quite dark, indeed, but ended up being just the perfect heart-of-a-warrior-type of film I needed. We watched a bit of The Mentalist after that (which plays eternally on TNT...love that) and how wonderful for us to sit near each other knowing Tom could remain home all night and realizing God is so good to give us incredible golden days like these.



If you enlarge these photos you'll get that And You Were There feeling. :)


Two weeks ago Tom and I watched a great old Barbara Stanwyck movie through instant view at Netflix. It's called The Other Love. I think many of you would enjoy it.


Susan Branch's latest Willard is full of all things autumnal.


** For more informational Levittown links, go here. Tom and I have walked through a ton of estate sale houses with the 1949-50 ranch house layout shown here. I always love them, actually.



  1. Anonymous2:50 AM

    I enjoyed our walk around the neighborhood! REALLY! :) Oh,... and it has been tons of ages since I had been to Susan Branch's site! Woo... what an eye full of ideas and sights!!! I don't know if the house she shows is her main house or what but it is so un celebrity like. I mean she is so famous and her house is so ordinary! I love it! I mean the house is beautiful but homey and sweet and one any of us could have in so many ways. I loved every corner I saw of it. Loved the creative homemade touches. Like your house is you, her house is her. My mind is so unencumbered at this moment... too full of ideas and thoughts. ...I did though want you to know I was thinking of you and happy for your note on your time together. Sarah


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.