Thursday, September 06, 2012

A Surprise and An Enchanted Yard

So here's what I posted on Facebook this morning:
" Aww.... Naomi left this morning for her home in Nashville and I felt all sentimental and teary-eyed. But! About a half hour later she came back to bring us some dates which she'd found for a killer price after stopping for gas at Tops. What a special surprise! The gratitude I felt for just one more little visit with her made me feel cheerful again. (Ah, motherhood...)"


I'm missing my little sweetheart. She's turned into such a fine young lady and what a great cook of all things healthy! Two nights she created amazing portobello mushroom and vegetable burritos for us, food fit for the finest of restaurants. 

Already Tom and I are planning a possible trip down to visit her after Thanksgiving, pricing different modes of transportation. 

Oh, what I would have missed had I never been a mother...


Clearly, our yard here at Hobbit Cottage is enchanted. 

Why? Because always by August I'm sick of gardening. Of flowers and weeds and dirt and the hot sun and I've been known to even say, "Hey you--Garden. You can just lie there as you are till next Spring for all I care. You make me tired."

But oh my goodness! Here it is September 6th and today I transplanted a hens and chicken plant and a mystery plant, both which Naomi brought home from a wedding reception last week. And earlier this week I planted flower seeds, even, and I'm still excited about our pretty yellow tomatoes and my herb garden, as well (probably I'll buy more herbs to plant out there). And bricks! I thought I had just six more to lug here from Home Depot, but then I began getting excited about surrounding the herb garden with bricks, so here I go again.

People, it's September. I'm never still going strong out in the yard at this time of year. But I am. Now. And I don't even want summer to be over. 

So as I said: my yard, it's enchanted. Magic. 

Must be.


"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."   ... Colossians 3:15



  1. You're still gardening in September because you don't have all that lawn to mow anymore. Just the fun gardening!

    So glad you enjoyed Naomi. I can't imagine not being a mom. It has fulfilled all my dreams.

  2. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Your tomato plant looks so healthy by the way..... Mine by now are not so... :( We had a little family reunion and eat together today and I am still feeling that wonderful fuzzy 'life is wonderful' feeling. Forget politics and the rest of the problem world. Just give me family and all is ok. Like all parents I can understand your gratitude for another time to hug and see Naomi up close and personal. Nothing can compare to parenthood can it? You have a right to feel proud of her!
    I get a time for about 3 weeks between winter and when spring breaks through when I think I will not get excited like I usually do about gardening. Then it passes and I am soooo excited I can't wait to be out playing in the dirt again!! :-) Sarah


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