Sunday, August 19, 2012

Meanwhile, Back At The Yard Sales......

Speaking of my grandparents (my last post) this weekend Tom and I bought this nightstand (only $5) at a yard sale, one which looks much like my grandparents' of long ago:

Is that cute, or what? And I love its feet:

I eat snacks from small bowls like the ones my grandparents had and drink coffee from a jadeite mug like theirs, also. I have their picture in my kitchen and now I crawl up the stairs and 'their nightstand' greets me like a surprise every time. It's like keeping them in my Present, though really, my heart can do that without stuff and things. 

I just enjoy the smiles, the reminders that I'll see my grandparents again someday in a new, amazing place. And that we'll never be parted again.


What else did I find? This funky place mat:

It's now in my bedroom, as well.


Oh! And I found these two lovely books:

The woman asked just ten cents for From The Ground Up: The Story of a First Garden, but I told her I'd feel guilty if I didn't give her at least 25. :) (The cover price is $14.95. Wow.) Anyway, I began reading it and what a perfect summer book, especially while I'm also creating my own garden from the ground up (yesterday I even bought night crawlers for my flower beds from our local 7-11. Put them in the ground two-by-two. heh.)

I read a library copy of Saving Cee-Cee Honeycutt (hi NancyR!) while at the farm, enjoyed its 'Southern-ness', so what a delight to have a copy of my own, and for only .75 cents.

Anyone else in the middle of 4 or 5 books? 



  1. Anonymous9:21 PM

    The night stand is really pretty. I love the pattern on the wood! Fits perfect. Holds a lot but is not too big for the space. Ment for you!! :) I have some things around me that are similar or are relatives. When I use them they make me smile like a hug from them. Sarah

  2. Saving Cee Cee Honeycutt~~loved that book!

    I am reading about 5 books right now. A mystery: Hush Now, Don't Cry; a cookbook: Dinner, A Love Story; a book on canning; and 3 books filled with sewing ideas. I love having books all around me.

    That nightstand is beautiful!

  3. Hi!
    When I saw the title of that book, I remembered our "talking" about what a good book it is.
    Glad you have your very own copy!

  4. Anonymous9:51 PM

    Ah, memories of wonderful well I understand that one!! Fortunate you found something so nice that reminds you of them!!


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