Friday, August 10, 2012

Just New Stuff Around Here

So finally I can quit hauling in huge, heavy bags of garden soil to my yard, for yesterday I 'finished' my garden beds. 

Well, I'll add the occasional forget-me-not from the lawn or mums or other flowers from shops. Maybe a few more bricks, too. But the huge 2012-starting-from-scratch-garden-beds is basically over. 

Whew. Took nearly all summer, what with one thing after another, but then, Life tends to be that way, doesn't it? Nearly always we must wait for what we dearly want.

Did you notice the bird feeder fairy, above? Found her at a yard sale recently. Got my mums yesterday from WalMart for only $2.50 each. (For a gal who doesn't like WalMart, I've certainly shopped there a lot recently. Hmm.)

And at an earlier yard sale that same day, I found these two fairies:

Sweet, right?


Moving on--

Sometimes my favorite coupon bloggers have spoken glowingly of SavingsStar Ecoupons. You know about ecoupons, right? They're electronically added to your shoppers club card, nothing to print or clip. I kept putting off checking out the SavingStar hoopla for the future calm day after I got my coupon system under control.

Well that day finally arrived yesterday. And oh! I wish I'd gotten my couponing act together sooner because SavingsStar is awesome. Drats.

Oh well. We should only take on what we feel we can handle, so I'll get over it.

Anyway, all you have to do is this:

Go to
Plug in your zip code.
Type in your shoppers club card numbers alongside any of your favorite stores which show up at the site.
Then start choosing the coupons you wish to have electronically added to your card.

Now, the amount of money you save won't be visible on your store sales receipt, the money won't even be taken off of your total bill there at your store.

But wait! They have something even better set-up for you. Whenever your Savingstar savings add up to $5 (they keep track for you), you'll receive a gift card which you can use online. Wow! You can receive gift cards for or Paypal. Or you can have the money deposited to your bank account or you can make a donation to

Oh! And almost forgot. These coupons can be used in tandem with your manufacturer coupons for double the savings!

Now do you see why I wish I'd have gotten my couponing act together sooner? What a great idea! Already I can just see all those gift cards piling up for me to use to buy more books. 

Happy sigh.


Speaking of books.... Yesterday I finished reading the kids' lit. book,  Here Lies The Librarian by Richard Peck. Wow. Felt like I was watching a movie of small town life in 1914. What a delight--to me, more adults than kids would enjoy this book, but then, what do I know?  :)

Most likely your local library will have this one.



1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:41 AM

    I really have not tried to find extra coupons. We seem to find enough stuff without. ..and I seem to not have enough time to get things done already! I know once you get into couponing and such it gets routine and goes fast but I never got into it. I love hearing other's stories of bargains using coupons though! :) Sarah


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