Thursday, July 12, 2012

Just A Few More Books

So! Tom had planned to go back into work on yet another of his days off (today), but he decided not to. Hooray! So we drove to Salvation Army where, oh happy day, I hit the mother lode, book-wise. After all those 20 months of unemployment and barely buying any books, I'm certainly making up for it lately. 

Here's what I bought today for just pennies:

Bloomability by Sharon Creech  ( a really great hardcover, former library book)
A Batch of the Best: Stories for Girls edited by N. Gretchen Greiner
A Year Down Yonder by Richard Peck
Make Room For the Hollyhocks by Lorraine Hunter Hare (signed by the author)

I also found a lovely diary, all pages unused, one called Our Old-Fashioned Country Diary for 1996 published by Michel Publishing, LTD. Just take my word for it--it's gorgeous. Has some Victoriana-type paintings and some pen drawings and quotes and little stories and--- well, a treasure, really.

And then when Tom and I later dropped by Dollar Tree, I found another lovely book of essays(!). My fourth such book from there:

Love Matters: Remarkable Love Stories That Touch the Heart and Nourish the Soul by Delilah, America's #1 Nighttime Radio Host.  (Have you ever heard Delilah on the radio? I have, occasionally through the years, and her compassion for people always blesses me.) Her website is here.

I told Tom that as far as things go, you know, stuff you can hold in your hands or touch with your fingers, I love basically just one thing on this planet: Books. 

Oh well, as Tom said--it could be worse. At least books don't take up much space, well, unless you own a ton of them. (But they can be hidden pretty easily. Trust me, I know.) They're relatively cheap.  And they're easily hauled to thrift shops when you discard those which aren't keepers, bringing extra smiles when you realize you're sharing such delightful things with strangers.

Books--how I do love books.


Thanks for all your kind comments to my last post regarding the sidewalk episode! Boy, did these verses from Deuteronomy 8 ever come to my mind yesterday:

 "Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands.  He humbled you......  Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you."

The "in order to know what was in your heart" thing nagged convicted me all day, in a good, lasting way.... Oh, how far I have left to go. It's certainly a good thing God is so patient (and merciful)!

Again, thanks... (Oh, and to answer Robin's question, no, our street is not busy at all. It's very quiet.)


Oooo! And guess what arrived in the mail just moments ago. Yes, a book. It's a cozy mystery which I mentioned to you earlier: Death of a Garage Sale Newbie by Sharon Dunn. Can't wait to peruse it!


I found this hilarious! It's film of the fireworks show in San Diego on the 4th of July. (Turn down your speakers nearly all the way, first!)!!



  1. Anonymous7:10 PM

    I know the command to love your neighbor sure haunts me!!!! it should. Yes! I found a real winner used last night too...also today a lady just gave me a book she ordered and did not want. She was giving books away and had brought a stack and this one was left. It contained things I just loved and was a true blessing...and so unexpected. Yes books, that one word like the word home conjures up so many warm and fuzzy special thoughts and memories. Sarah

  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Thanks again for the book titles. I looked them up and love the story lines. Like the little House books some also probably contain information to deal with hard times etc too. I really love the 'junior' age books as I think of them. I really need to check out the kids section more in the used stores again. I read the synopsis on many books in the adult section and No! I don't want to read that one! Yet the 'junior' books are the stories I love to read and remember. They are more like the adult stories [and movies] I used to love used to be written. Thanks again! :) Sarah

  3. Well, I guess you know how I feel about books! I was able to get Garage sale newbie from my library and will be reading it as soon as I finish the new Tarquin Hall Vish Puri mystery The Case of the Deadly Butter Chicken.......

  4. Rosemary11:42 PM

    Always love to read about your book finds, Debra. My weakness is books also. My home is running over with them -- on tables, in baskets, on shelves, under the bed, in closets. How do you cleverly hide all of yours?

  5. Just checked out Make Room for the Hollyhocks and ordered it from Love the title because I love hollyhocks. I really need to locate a Salvation Army store and check out the books.
    Thanks for the book titles!

  6. Oh how I know what you mean about books.
    And not just for reading, although that rates number one for me.
    I decorate with books in so many ways that I can no longer count them.
    And I craft with them.
    It was a happy day for me when my husband rediscovered reading and now no longer looks at books like coasters for his better furniture.


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