Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Eight Years

Eight years writing in this thing! Eight years today. 

I can't wrap my mind around that, for rarely do I stick with one thing for eight whole years.

But there you go.

No special words today--I'm feeling like, in eight years, I've already told you everything I know. :)

Instead, let's celebrate with a few photos of my Prayer Garden. Oh, how s-l-o-w-l-y it's coming along, due mostly to all this turn-me-into-a-zombie humidity. But today is lovely so I made two (two!) trips to Home Depot after even shopping at the supermarket and Dollar Tree.

What a difference low humidity makes. What. A. Difference.

But anyway, here you are... a few peeks at what I have going so far, everything in a state of being unfinished, but oh well.

Okay, one of my longest-time readers, (Hi Betty!) asked me to label the plants in these photos. So, around the flagpole I've got marigolds which are just barely hanging in there--I'm thinking the concrete bakes the poor things. To the left are mostly tomato plants (four of them), with a few green onions which I, like every year, transplant from a few I buy at the supermarket (I just clip the tops as they grow.)

Petunias and an empty pot. :) Oh, and peonies down below.

More petunias... (I move these babies around to sunny spots each day, because that corner gets barely any.)

And lets' see... Daylilies in the left-hand corner, hot peppers on both sides, forget-me-nots in front, a miniature rosebush in the back right and there are tiny flowers which I've been digging from the lawn and transplanting. I've been meaning to ask you what they are--I'll take a close-up of them later.

The aforementioned green onions.

Miniature roses in the pot, daisies to the left, some of which I also dug up from the lawn (man, all sorts of stuff grows in our lawn, everything, really, except for grass! :)


Today I finished reading my cloud reader book, Charlotte Figg Takes Over Paradise by Joyce Magnin. Loved it! Must. Find. Other. Books. By. This. Author.

Then I began Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant and the first few pages have been delightful, indeed. Shows promise.


A very special thank-you to all of you who have encouraged me by reading here for years!


"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful." ... Colossians 3:15


  1. Awww, congrats on 8 years of writing here. It's July 25th, so even though you're not crazy about Christmas, I am, and your blog is like Christmas in July for me (and all year round, actually). It's the gift that keeps giving. xo

  2. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Congratulations Debra. Love the garden. Never met a plant I didn't like. Weeds need not apply. Onward and upward.


    1. Are you Wilma from Pa Gladys days? This is Linda in Michigan. Don't you love reading Debra's blog? I do! Hope you are the same Wilma. I remember Jilly cat! : )

  3. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Jamie J. said it so well...I completely agree! ;-) You might think you have said it all but your posts feel fresh and new to me!! Your blog is the first thing I check and if I am on again in the day ..the last thing too. Yes we who come here are grateful for 8 wonderful years... congratulations Debra !!!!!!!! Sarah

  4. Congratulations on 8 wonderful years! You have been an encouragement, and a ray of sunshine! Thanks for keeping it real!

  5. Rosemary9:28 PM

    Congratulations on 8 "adventure filled" years, Debra. Your blog has always had a special appeal to me. Your personality shines through in each and every post. Here's to many more years to come. CHEERS!

  6. Happy Blogiversary! :)

  7. EIGHT? EIGHT YEARS! Time flies! I didn't even know there were blogs 8 years ago! Wow, Debra! Congratulations! Here's to another 8 years!

  8. Well done on your blogging anniversary! I "discovered" your blog pre-farm and have gone back and read all your posts. You have a very special gift. Here's to at least eight more years!

  9. Keep up the great writing and most of all keep on with Jesus! God Bless! Linda


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