Thursday, June 28, 2012

Sometimes Trees Must Fall

Here at Hobbit Cottage we have a huge problem. It's this:

(Be sure to notice the second tree, especially. Good grief.)

When the winds blow, those trees push against our garage. And of course, there's no room for gutters up there and the concrete garage floor is so pushed-up by the roots, that it's become chunks which flood to four inches in most places whenever it rains hard. We had Concrete Guy over for a driveway estimate and he said that-- unless those trees go away--eventually any new concrete inside the garage will become chunks, too.

So. Maybe you recall how ballistic I, being a tree-loving gal, went when our other-suburb neighbors (two different ones) cut down their beautiful huge trees behind us, but what I've realized since? 

Sometimes trees must fall.

And these two trees are not long for this world. Technically, they belong mostly to our neighbor, but he said no problem, cut them down (which is a blessing cuz Concrete Guy said neighbors usually cry, "No way!"). This week we had Tree Guy (an old friend from our first church here in NY) come by for an estimate. Not only will he chop the trees down, but he'll snip branches from a sycamore which is making our crab apple tree grow all wonky due to lack of sunlight. He'll trim the crab apple tree, also.

So because I try to be honest here in this blog, I just wanted to tell you about the upcoming tree murders. Some of you will understand, others will be angry at me--but I cannot live to make everybody happy. That's one sure recipe for a miserable life. 

All God asks is that I be honest with you and do what I feel He's given me peace to do. And that's what I've done.


"Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus."  ... Philippians 4:7

"Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." ... Proverbs 4:7



  1. Debra, I love trees and the shade they provide in the summer as much as anyone, but they are causing damage to your garage. They simply have to go. No complaints from me! :)

  2. Tracy... thank-you--really--for understanding about the trees. And for commenting, too. It means a lot, especially today (don't ask...heh...). Blessings, Debra

  3. I am a fellow tree lover but had to remove three giant pines when we moved here because they were two feet from the house! I just made sure I planted one (in an appropriate place) for each one I took down. That made me feel better.

  4. It's sad that the story of these trees has to end this way. Just make sure that you'll give nature something in return by planting new trees - ones which won't end up getting killed someday due to their innate nature to be immovable. I know it is a hard decision to make, but yes, sometimes, trees must fall.

  5. I'd be thinking of all the amazing ways to recycle the wood...

  6. Anonymous2:33 PM

    When we bought this hours it had three huge shade trees. One in front, one in back and one on the side. Two through the years developed deceases and problems that could not be cured and had to be taken out. We replaced one but the other could not be done. You have to work with what you have. The remaining tree of the original is huge and creates shade over most of the rest of the back yard so having fruit trees out there is a challenge. If you need the shade I know this mush be a hard decision to cut the trees down...but they Have to go as you said. They will only get even bigger!! Treeman has a challenge getting them out as it is now!! You are doing the right thing. Sarah


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