Friday, June 01, 2012

Aiming For More Coupon Converts

So! I made one coupon convert this week, one of my best online buddies, and I'm thinking I'll aim for two with this post. :)

See this stuff?

If I would have gone to the store all willy-nilly-like and just bought these when I needed them at their full price and with no coupons, I would have paid $29.61. At my store, anyway.

That's what I call the No Way Price. As in, no way would I ever pay that much. :)

But what did I pay this morning, instead?  Just $10.19. 

The 2 organic lettuces would have been $7.38 but I paid $3.
The 2 foils would have been $6.58 (beyond ridiculous!) but I paid $1.
The 3 creamers would have been $8.07 but I paid $2.90.
The 2 juices would have been $7.58 but I paid $3.29.

Pretty good, especially when you're making savings like these week after week. My store keeps track for me how much I save just by buying their items on sale and so far this year I've saved $614. That's not counting coupon savings which are $250 so far and would have been more if our new printer liked my computer (I took a couple weeks off), which it still doesn't, so I use Tom's now.

The Bailey's Creamers (not health food, I know...heh) I'll use for my hot chocolate a tablespoon at a time so--to make sure they stay fresh-- I'll empty a bit from each one and then freeze them downstairs for use later. (You can freeze gallons of milk that way, too, just always pour some into another container first so that the milk jug won't burst while frozen.)

Never assume that all coupons are just for junk food. In Today's World? This isn't your mother's kind of couponing. 

So. Did I make another coupon convert out there yet? :)


When making my shopping lists I first write down the items on sale which I use. Then I match my coupons to those items. If I don't have matching coupons on certain items, I'll check online to see if I can find some (Google search, Facebook search and a check at Krazy Coupon Lady's printable coupon list). This kind of shopping keeps me stocked-up on items and almost never needing to pay the dreaded No Way Price. 


My savings don't stop here. My store gives me credit toward money off of gas for each coupon I use and when I spend certain amounts on groceries. And too, when I use coupons from Swagbucks, I earn money toward free gift cards.

There's way more money to be saved out there, it all goes on and on, but I do only as much as my stress-level will allow me to comfortably. :)



  1. Already a Convert.8~)
    Coupons are the best!
    My Mom taught me about couponing years ago(I'm 54)...she still sends them to me in the mail.8~)
    My kids like when I buy with coupons too.
    Take care,

  2. Anonymous1:38 PM

    I used to coupon but have gotten away from doing much of it. Our stores never double any more and I don't have the quiet time to check the sites for them now. I still hunt out the true grocery bargains in the ads and our grocery spending between that and gardening is very low. We do keep a pantry. Sorry I won't, at least at this time, be coupling to much extent. I am having fun though seeing your stash. Have you changed up your basement retro kitchen any? Just curious. It sounded so fabulous to me to have an extra kitchen down stars to be able to can in....especially one that looked so cute! :) Sarah

  3. Rosemary6:09 PM

    I love couponing also, Debra. But I often wonder if printing online coupons is worth the cost of those expensive ink cartridges. Any suggestions?

  4. Nancy--I love that your mom still sends you coupons in the mail!

    Sarah--sounds like you're saving a lot of money, too, and that's what matters most. :)

    Rosemary--it's been worth it for me, but I do a few things to make sure. For one, Tom gets ink cartridges pretty cheaply online--they're ink jet re-manufactured ones. Also, I try to just print the coupons I'm pretty certain I'll be using. Too, if only one coupon prints, I cut off the bottom of the sheet and use it next (so to save paper). If a company prints an ad after a coupon--when I go to print the next same coupon--I'll slip in just half a sheet so to keep that ad from printing next time. I also use the back of any paper on which those ads appeared to print more coupons, again, to save paper. Tom also buys paper in bulk online. Once we didn't have to order any paper for over 11 years!!

    When I total my coupon savings each year it always way more than covers the cost of paper and ink, especially when I remember these hints and try to save on both.

    But that's a great point to consider--thanks for making it!

    Blessings, Debra


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