Saturday, June 09, 2012

Of Being Prepared

So last month I reread a book on my shelves, a biography about one of my favorite artists, a book stuffed full of her paintings. 

It's altogether lovely, what with all those colors and prints of happy times and people and details from her early life, except that this time I noticed something which bothered me much.

There was not one mention of God. 

Neither the author nor the artist gave any credit to God for all these paintings, no one mentioned, not even one time, about this being a God-given talent. No words expressed thanks for His inspiration or help or anything else.

And by the end of the book? I felt incredibly thirsty for the things of God. And disappointed. And quite tempted to give the book away--a temptation I think I'll obey.

I believe God wants us to aim for having all our decisions, motives, actions, thoughts, plans and well--everything--to originate from His heart. 

Anyway, I brought that up because Tracy asked what sorts of things am I doing to be better prepared should Tom be laid-off again or decide to retire early. And so, what am I doing? I'm trying to hear from God as to what I should do. I don't want my own 'bright ideas'.

Uh, no.

Instead, I so desire to obey God in every single area. Obedience today opens lots of future doors tomorrow.

I hope that makes sense and I hope that none of you walk away from my blog feeling as (unsatisfyingly) thirsty for truth as I did when I'd finished that art book.

But quickly, the practical side? When Tom was laid off, I remember feeling sorry that we'd not had more money in savings, at least enough for 6 months (we had enough for maybe 2), for I'd been procrastinating setting more money aside for years (tsk, tsk). But thankfully, Tom was given a severance check --though not a huge amount of money, it was a huge blessing.

I wished I'd been more stocked-up on groceries.
That I'd replaced my worn-out dishtowels, regular bath towels, also.
I'd procrastinated buying a new clothes to replace my old, tired farm ones.

Note the recurring theme there? Procrastination. Sigh.

We did some things right, though. 

We had no car payment.
We weren't in debt to credit cards. The only amount on our credit card was the expenses from our vacation which we were set to take four days after the lay-off, expenses which we paid as soon as we arrived home. 
Too, we've always tithed--and always will.

So! What I'm doing now so to never again be caught unready? Asking questions and acting accordingly--

Pretending that today my source of income has dried up. 
What should I have done earlier to prepare? 
Which credit cards could I have paid off? 
Which new items should I have bought so to replace old, nearly-worn-out ones? 
Am I stocked up on groceries?
What sacrifices can I make now so to be prepared for later?
What ways of having fun can I list which are free or low cost?
What hobbies can I become more proficient at so to keep me productive, busy and a blessing to others later?

But again--be led by God in all things--and leave the procrastination behind.  ツ


"For the Lord God is our sun and our shield. He gives us grace and glory. The Lord will withhold no good thing from those who do what is right."  ... Psalm 84:11

"Man's mind plans his way, but God directs his steps."   ... Proverbs 16:9



  1. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Thank you for the post today..wise thoughts. Every one as you say has their own list of what their family pantry would consist of and what is worn out they could use replacing. What bills need tending to and such.
    I want to also mention something I have thought about that is in the background of almost all your posts. Tom. You have a husband that loves and wants to obey God as much as you do. What a blessing! I know you know this already but it is wonderful to hear that you are a team when I read your posts. Many of us out here do not have that. We keep praying and try to quietly show the light through out life and actions. In the mean time though we have to live with our convictions about God and their convictions contrary to it. { don't worry..we know not to preach etc ] When I read your thoughts on how your ideas and ethics mesh it makes me smile.
    The part in your post about listing ways to have fun for little out lay and making sure of your gifts... that is so good. Also good to have in mind when you are getting ready to retire. Well that is all for now...Thanks again! :) Sarah

  2. Anonymous7:59 PM

    that was a great post. I never really thought to replace old things. I am terrible about shopping for clothes. Our garden is huge and i am canning away right now.
    thanks again

  3. Debra, to me this has to be your best post yet! Cao full of good practical Godly wisdom and advice! Ci am going to print, share and save this! And ask God to help us follow it as much as He wants us to for our lives!

  4. I can't see any way to delete that post of mine with all the errors! Should have previewed it for sure!


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