Sunday, June 10, 2012

More Photos. More Advice.

One last post about being prepared for a possible lay-off or really, any type of a Life Change down the road.

Today--sow. Sow like crazy. 

Sow good tips to servers at restaurants or to delivery people or those paid to help. Or to good, quality charities. Sow, give, generously.

Sow offerings. Sow tithes. Sow a plate of cookies for your neighbors. Sow a meal for friends in your home. Sow snail mail thank-you cards to people who've blessed you. Sow encouraging Facebook or blog posts or emails, ecards or kind words spoken in-person.

Sow prayers for strangers. Sow smiles in your supermarket. Sow plants from your garden or sow a ride for someone to downtown or to church. Sow a coffee date with a friend,a movie or a garden walk. Sow an online gift in the mail or a rescued cat or an offer to teach or paint or pack for free. 

Sow a favorite YouTube video, song or sermon. Sow birdseed to wild birds. Sow a lovely painting or book.

Sow, sow, sow and you will reap, reap, reap, especially later in hard times when you are in need:

"Right now you have plenty and can help those who are in need. Later, they will have plenty and can share with you when you need it. In this way, things will be equal."  2 Corinthians 8:14

Some people sit in their homes and expect blessings to race up to their doors and knock, yet actually? That's like looking out your window for a whole summer expecting a glorious vegetable garden to spring-up when you've not planted any seeds.

Plant first. Sow first. Then you will reap whatever you need in the future.

And the best thing of all to sow? Sow a close, wonderful friendship with Jesus. Do that and you'll be plugged-into the One who knows how to meet every need you'll have upon this Earth. The One who cares about you more than anybody else, the One who wants to become your everything.


The top two photos? My favorite kitchen drawer, especially since I added the new Dollar Tree shelf paper. 

And the next photo shows my latest stick-on wall sentiment from Dollar Tree. It says 'There's No Place Like Home' and to me, it was the perfect finishing touch for that shelf wall.


And here are two books I bought at a discount place last week:

I finished Chasing Redbird and really enjoyed its uniqueness. Read about it here.

This morning I began reading Tender Grace and am enjoying (with relief) seeing the main character bounce back from her husband's death 15 months earlier (the first part was painful to read because of her depression and the way she just stopped living when he did). You can read about this Christian book here. One more example of the vital necessity of knowing Jesus for yourself now--not just about Him-- rather than waiting till some far-off day.


"And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God."  ... Deuteronomy 28:2

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."  ... Luke 6:38



  1. I don't think adding or taking away from this post would be of benefit to's exactly right as written.
    Wonderful advice Debra, we can't sow to much!!!!

  2. Anonymous2:13 PM

    This post was so down to basic and yet so very very deep. .... and true. Not a to do list a Must do list. Sarah

  3. Hay beautiful...just tossing seed :}

  4. You are a very wise woman!

  5. Such a great post!

  6. I just love this post. I read it yesterday and just kept thinking about it. Would you mind if I linked to it on one of my posts? My blog is

    It is just so powerful and convicting. I nominate it for the best post you have ever written! Thanks!

  7. I would like to post the whole thing about sowing. Would you mind if I changed the wording a bit in some places? It will still say the same thing and I will link it directly to your post. I can show it to you before I post it if you will send me your email.

  8. Thanks, Everyone!

    And Lori--that's fine. :) No need to email me. Blessings, Debra


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