Saturday, June 16, 2012

He Made It!

Did you miss Nik Wallenda's amazing walk across Niagara Falls?

If so, you can watch the short version here. Loved it. Loved the way he praised Jesus along the wire, especially (I'd read last week that he was a born-again Christian. Way cool.)

Lots of film of the beautiful falls, too, in case you've never visited them. Enjoy!


(There's more coverage, from earlier in the day, after the first film in that link if you'd like to watch more.)


“The trouble with not having a goal is that you can spend your life running up and down the field and never score.” – William John “Bill” Copeland, Australian Test cricket match umpire



  1. Rosemary9:11 AM

    I watched (and prayed) for Nik the whole way over the falls. Loved that, he too, was praying out loud and glorifying God while performing this amazing feat.

  2. Rosemary--I'm so glad you watched and prayed, too! Thanks so much for your comment--it's great to know that you enjoyed the walk, too. Blessings, Debra

  3. I watched! And you know what I loved? That he wasn't begging God to keep him safe, he was praising.

  4. Sara--terrific point! He was so thrilled to be living a life-long dream that he simply thanked Jesus while living it. A good lesson for us all. Blessings, Debra

  5. Anonymous4:21 PM

    I didn't get a chance to watch but will look at the links. Thanks. I didn't know he was a Christian either.
    On the goal point..I always loved the song Happy Talk from South Pacific. "Happy talk keep talking happy talk. Talk about things you'd like to do..if you don't have a dream, If you don't have a dream...How ya going to have a dream come true? If you don't talk happy, if you never have a dream then how you join got have a dream come true? .. ..." If you don't have goals how will you ever know God has helped you reach them?
    I so enjoyed the other comments.... Sarah

  6. Thanks for sharing that....I didn't know he was christian!

  7. I LOVED how he was praising Jesus while he walked ... and I wanted to shove a sock into the announcer's mouth that kept interrupting him. Typical media trying to shut up anyone praising God.

  8. Sarah--so true about making goals! (Thanks for helping inspire my next post!) Hope you enjoyed the film of the crossing.

    Bonnie--you're welcome. So cool that he's a Christian, right? :)

    Mrs. Mac--so glad you were blessed by Nik's crossing, too. God is good!

    Thanks for your great comments, Everyone.... Blessings, Debra


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