Wednesday, May 09, 2012

More Prayers Needed, Please

Oh dear.

I need you to pray for Daniel. Yes, again. He's just not eating as well as he should and the doctor said he won't survive this unless he eats to remain strong.

This is testing everything inside my head and heart right now. I can't even tell you how much Tom and I already love this cat and we feel like our hearts are being yanked in every direction. I'm recalling all the Bible verses which say not to believe according to what you see, but rather, what you believe, but to see him grow skinnier, sluggish and only pick at his food makes that so very hard. So please, pray that I'll keep believing Daniel will eventually be all right, ok? The vet pretty much said he's done all he can do and now it's up to Daniel. (And God, I would add.)

If you've ever been through something like this, especially with such a young cat, then you know how devastating this is.

Thanks for your prayers...


Update! Well, we called the vet and he suggested something (I'll spare you the details) so we tried it and it worked! We'll need to keep doing this thing until whatever this is gets worked out of Daniel's system. Thanks for praying and please keep the prayers coming--we're all feeling much encouraged now and lots better than a couple hours ago. Hallelujah!

More good news:  Daniel ate all of his dinner tonight--hooray! Tom and I are so very grateful that he's taken a turn for the better since this afternoon.



  1. So sorry Debra, I am praying!

  2. Prayers for Daniel

  3. Oh, poor little kitty. I am a cat lover and this just breaks my heart. I had to put my favorite kitty down this past summer because she was suffering so. I will pray that your kitty gets well quickly and that you have many years with him.

  4. Oh no. Are you able to tempt him with treats - cheese, chicken, hamburger - or does he have to stick to his regular food?

  5. Rosemary8:24 PM

    So glad for the encouraging updates...

  6. Anonymous8:54 PM

    SOOOO happy that things are getting better! I'll admit, I'm curious as I can be as to what "the thing" is that you guys are doing - but whatever it is, I'm so thankful it's helping!
    Pets are such a wonderful addition to our lives, and I truly believe they are a special gift to us from God. Please keep us posted on how young Daniel is doing :) Keeping him in my prayers.

  7. Praying for Daniel, as I sit here trying to get Zeke to eat the food that has all of his pills in it. He is having none of it.

  8. Glad to hear Daniel is moving in the right direction, I've been praying!


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