Thursday, May 24, 2012

Officially Spoiled Rotten

This is coming from a purely grateful heart, ok? Not bragging, no! Just expressing pure, humble gratitude to God.


Today it's official. God has totally spoiled me rotten. Rotten.

When we moved to Hobbit Cottage last September, our city was building a new park just three blocks away on the edge of our huge river. Often the machinery has been loud-- roar roar bang! Roar roar bang! But since all the other land along this section of the river is privately owned, all the noise is worth it just to have access to the water's edge, ourselves.

Oh wow. The park is finished and today I walked over there with my camera and oh. My. Goodness. This is the part where God has totally spoiled me rotten:

That park is incredible! Oh, the breezes off the water caressed my face and smelled like salt and everything felt so huge--huge body of water, huge bridge, huge expanse of beauty everywhere I turned my eyes.

And all just two-ish blocks away. Oh my. 

Tom will be working about a million days in a row this week (well, not a million...), but how can I complain? No, not when I've got this gorgeous park and a convenience store on the way where I can pick up hot dogs or dark chocolate for lunch and take a book with me and read and gaze up from my book to all that water and seagulls, geese and this little inlet that reminded me, oddly, of Gilligan's Island:

I sat at a picnic table and looked all around me and cried a bit from a too-full heart. And I brought all of you along with me and formed words within my brain to try to describe this splendor to you. But it's too difficult. This means so much to me to have this park and truly I'm thanking God today from the deepest places within my heart.



  1. How very beautiful! Good for you, I know you will really enjoy it.

  2. Wow, it's beautiful! Looks like a good place to do some people watching this summer. And I could see you and Tom taking a picnic basket dinner over there in the evening after work.

  3. Mary--thank-you much!

    Bonnie--thanks--and that's a wonderful idea!

    Blessings, Debra

  4. Dolores2:32 PM

    Debra, what a beautiful place and yes it does look like Gilligan's Island1

  5. Dolores2:34 PM

    That was supposed to be an exclamation point not a number one.

  6. Dolores--oh, you often make me laugh (and I appreciate that!)...thank-you! I figured it was meant to be an exclamation...giggle... :) Glad you like my new park! Blessings, Debra

  7. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Just have a minute...but wondering...maybe this will be another new favorite picnic area for you two??? :) :) :) :) Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah

  8. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Sorry I was rushing and did not read that Bonnie had already mention this... Sarah

  9. This is really beautiful, and how amazing to have it within walking distance.....You'll get to know it four seasons a year, you and Tom!A blessing indeed!

  10. Lovely! I can tell you are really going to enjoy it.

  11. I won't be jealous because I am so happy that you have such a wonderful place at your fingertips! And so glad that this park is being appreciated for the wonderful thing that it is. Enjoy enjoy enjoy!

  12. What a beautiful park...there's something so comforting and soothing about water :)

  13. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Wow, love this! I thought it was a tiny little stream. So happy for you, what a beautiful place. This will probbly increase your property value, too. Just thinking on the practical side, lol. Joyce


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