Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day and Nostalgia Down The Street

Memorial Day! Today I will remember our soldiers and our freedoms they paid for and also, especially, the two dear friends Tom and I lost this past year. In fact, Sandy, our friend of over 30 years, passed away exactly one year ago today and then there's John, Donna's husband, who we all lost just weeks ago. 

But today I think of both of them with joy because both reside in glorious, God-dwelling, light-shining, saints singing Heaven. So wow! Sandy, a great worshipper and someone who loved to entertain in her home, is most likely spending her days in Heaven doing both. And John, as Donna has guessed, is most likely a greeter in Heaven, welcoming new arrivals with a hug, a funny story and an offer to give them a tour.

I can just see my friends, all of those I've lost, going about Heaven in awe, in laughter, in song and in anticipation of all the wonders yet unseen and anticipating welcoming us, their loved ones, into the gates some day, marking the beginning of a whole new, thrilling life.

And the sensible, mature part of me could never, ever wish those people back here. On my, no.

And you know? For me, this simple day back down here on Earth is a day of joy, as well, because of Who I know and Who He is down here on this planet He created, living, breathing inside my heart.


And something fun here on this lowly Earth? 

Tom and I finally visited the drugstore down the street in the ancient part of town. We stepped inside and oh my! Small and felt so old. It is old. In fact, I think Adam and Eve used to buy their meds there. :)

Okay, Sonny and Cher, anyway. 

I mean, hey, the decor screamed "we've proudly not changed a thing since 1975!" I wish I'd brought my camera to show you all the orange burlap-like stuff up on the walls, the yellowed flooring and the plastic letters, too, telling you what's along the outer walls. 

And oh! In the back, you walk down five stairs to a small room where, along the three walls, are greeting cards in displays from probably the 1950's. Then to the left, there are five steep stairs going up to a type of stage, actually, where the pharmacist in his white uniform stands behind a counter. 

I found it wild, actually, that they've kept the pharmacy part way up there since tons of people who need medications can't do stairs nowadays. It must be rather funny if a person in a wheelchair comes in and has to, from the bottom of the stairs, yell up to the pharmacist what she needs, then to see the pharmacist run down the stairs and hand it to her. 

Man, Tom and I were instantly transported to the 1970's (1960's?) that sunny, warm Saturday and we so enjoyed the trip. We love time travel and back here in Western New York, it seems we're always traveling somewhere other than the present.


Oh! You will love these creative ideas for pallets. A special thanks to Kim for sharing them.



  1. Anonymous1:09 AM

    The teeny town we lived in for 20 months before moving back east here, was like you describe your town. The little drug store from the 1960's or earlier with its soda fountain, just like the ones of my childhood, the whole town was so much more of that time frame. The little country church was older than daughter-in-law's grandma went there as a child even...I suppose not too unlike maybe the time of The Walton Family. We 3 cried when we left, even though we were moving here to be closer to family.

    Hubby retires this week and THEN we MIGHT be going on the biggest adventure yet of our lives. Even today some of the items we would need for that journey, we came across while out shopping and they were even all on sale and in quantities I have not seen EVER here these 9 years. Maybe I will finally begin a blog to share that...maybe, if hubby can help me. I am not very computer literate. But now, down-sizing and putting only the bare bones basics in storage, in case we need them later on.
    Enjoy the journey!
    Elizabeth in NC

  2. Dolores8:44 AM

    What a beatiful tribute to your friends. Dolores


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