Tuesday, April 24, 2012

(Wo)man vs. World

Here at Hobbit Cottage, yesterday was an all-day-pajama day. 

After weeks of sunny, gorgeous days, we had a dark-grey, frigid, snow-spitting one, so why not? Tom and I lounged around together watching episodes of Man vs. Wild, a survival show we do enjoy, after all, even though Bear Grylls is on camera, alone (normally, we prefer stressed-out couples lost out in the wild). But Bear's personality/gifts/talents are just right for such a crazy, wilderness series and once again, we're hooked. 

Tom and I prefer our scary, wild, dangerous adventures be experienced the tv way.

Something I find cool about Bear's survival shows? He repeats the same basic wilderness survival hints over and over. Like how to make fire. He wears a cool flint and steel necklace so he's always prepared to make a quick fire. Of course, now Tom and I want a necklace like that! (Who knows what might happen on the ride down to the supermarket?) ツ

Bear explains how to land in water when you must jump into it (legs straight, feet together), how to create a basic shelter, how to melt snow in a water bottle (keep it inside your shirt, next to your body) and lots of additional hints, as well.

Over and over.

And you know? Where many folks would find that boringly repetitive, I appreciate it, mostly because my poor ol' Over-50 brain, I'm finding, must hear things repeatedly before it can remember them. 

Lose me out on a wild mountaintop and only now would I stand a chance of walking out, alive.

Know what all that reminds me of? The way each of us needs to hear/read/listen to the Word of God repeatedly before we really get it. Before it becomes part of who we are-- before we can recall it in rough times, share it with others and use it to keep us at peace and walking in a daily kind of powerful joy.


"But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night."  Psalm 1:2

"There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus."  ... Romans 8:1  (So I'm hoping none of you feels condemned if you can't memorize verses the way other people can.)

... for the joy of the Lord is my strength..."  ... Nehemiah 8:10


Ack! Just discovered our friend, Donna, had to have emergency colon surgery. Good gracious--we can't believe all she's been through this past month. Anyway, please keep praying for her, ok? She really would like to get home and allow God to help her build her new life there. Thanks.



  1. Dolores11:06 AM

    Debra, you are an angel. Thanks so much for the mention and link to my blog. God bless. Dolores

  2. Oh boy! Another blog to read...loved it! Thank you!

  3. Dolores--aw, you're welcome. Happy to to do that for you!

    Robin--you blessed my socks off by commenting at Dolores' blog. Honest, I can't even tell you.

    Thanks, Ladies! Blessings, Debra


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.