Wednesday, April 25, 2012

The Net--Making Us Lonely?

So did you read that article entitled, Is Facebook Making Us Lonely? 

I didn't read the entire thing because was that baby ever wordy! And now in my later years? Just give it to me in a few clear, precise sentences, please.

Anyway, I found the article, well, silly because throughout all of Time anything becomes what we, ourselves, make of it. Anything. And the easiest thing, ever, is to blame other people, their choices and differing methods, traditions, ways of life--and now--social media for our own lack of common sense.

Whatever happened to personal responsibility? Where did balance go, for heaven's sake? 

Good gracious. For myself? In the 12 years since I first went online, I've found the Internet to be a whole other (delightful) world where new friends stand along every sidewalk, waiting to reach for my hand and pull me into their homes. Oh, the fellowship of kindred spirits I've found in these 'hoods! The deep conversations and the playful ones, too. The reunions. The parties. The peeks into homes and the inspiration for all things decor and friendship and spirituality-related.

Oh, what I get back from all that interaction!

And mostly? It blows my mind how much giving of myself I can do within the realms of this Net world. In just one day I can send lots of ecards or emails to tons of friends so to encourage them, lift them higher, or to just express my gratitude that they stepped into my life. I can comment at blogs, letting others know their valid, important thoughts have touched and inspired me. I can congratulate friends at Facebook  and respond to prayer requests and --

Let's face it--sometimes we're lonely simply because we're not giving. Not enough, anyway.

Oh, the seeds I can wildly spread all over the Internet! Good, healthy ones which will reap good, healthy blessings in this Internet Land for others and myself, as well. Seeds which will grow and leave a huge part of my eternal legacy. 

Facebook or any part of the Net is making me lonelier? Ha! Not even. Not as long as I behave myself here as God would have me behave anywhere else in the so-called Real World.


"Bear one another’s burdens, and so you will fulfill the law of Christ."  ... Galations 6:2

"He who willfully separates and estranges himself [from God and man] seeks his own desire and pretext to break out against all wise and sound judgment."  ... Proverbs 18:1

"Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others."  ... Philippians 2:4


 "Store up in your hearts these parting words, be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity." - Horace Mann, Educator



  1. Dolores10:50 AM

    Debra, I agree 100% with you. I didn't think that there were any other people in the world like me until I went online and started reading blogs. As for facebook, I now communicate with people I have not seen or spoken to in 30 years! Great post.

  2. Well said!
    The internet has greatly enriched my communication with family and old friends--and made new friends whom I will never meet in person.
    Could online time become an obcession? Of course--so could TV [if I enjoyed it!] or reading or any number of pastimes.

  3. Well said, Debra!

  4. That was a wordy, but interesting, article. Some of it applied to me. posted a rebuttal of sorts. It's much shorter. :)

  5. You are so right Debra! It is like anything else,what we make of it! If not for the internet I would not have met you or many other dear friends I have.


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