Sunday, April 01, 2012

The Power of Refreshing Others

"A generous man will prosper, he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed."  Proverbs 11:25

Now there's a terrific verse to recall when you're walking around your house with a whirlwind of problems swirling around in your head. You know, when self-pity is whining in your ears, you can't remember the last time you laughed, and you're thinking, "My best days are over, and hey, why isn't anybody encouraging me?"

We've all heard that God has a good plan for us and well, similarly, satan has a bad plan. He wants to keep us so entwined within our own selves, our own hurts, that we grow weaker, sadder, bluer. And blinded to the selfishness of it all.

But a huge part of God's plan? He desires that we go out and about (computer life, included), refreshing others. Flinging encouraging words everywhere. Smiling at people downtown. Complimenting folks when we like their hair or clothes or furniture. Asking people if they need to talk about something, bringing flowers, sending cards. Commenting at blogs, inviting people out for coffee. Offering a ride to church, the bank or the supermarket or sending surprise emails and ecards.

And so much more.

It is not in hugging our hurts to our hearts in our small, blue worlds that we'll be refreshed. Uh, no. Rather, it's in bursting out of ourselves and refreshing others. That's where we'll find joy. That's where freedom lives. That's where Life will look amazing again.


"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."  ... Luke 6:38


Oh, and please keep praying for our friend, John. Donna called me this morning and John will need a real miracle if he's to remain amongst us much longer. (And I believe in real miracles!)



  1. So true, Debra! Thanks for the reminder! :)

  2. Love this scripture. I'm reminded of how much truth and power there is in God's word that we (I) glance over without ever reaping the benefits of purposeful application. Again, blessed by our morning cup of coffee "together!"

  3. Yes, this is true and thank you for telling us. We all have hard times but when things lighten up we can give a compliment, a smile, a card, a call. A visit or a ride some place. I think life is changing and there are less people working and with more free time. It does not take money to be kind. Thank You!

  4. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Prayers still going up for John for his recovery. If it's not to be...prayers for the strength and peace needed for him and Donna.


  5. So very true Debra!


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