Monday, February 13, 2012

Tomorrow, Being Valentine's Day...

So I read a post from one of my favorite bloggers and she mentioned not looking forward to Valentine's Day, and well, it wasn't her post that bothered me, but rather, comments she received, ones like these:

"Personally, I think Valentine's Day is for children and the companies who sell cards and candy."

"Valentine's Day is a  &*^%$#  made to make single people feel badly."

"I rarely got valentines from "peers" in school, so I've always hated the holiday."

"If it helps, I think Valentine's day is totally lame, and I'm happily married."

"It's the only holiday that is built around our collective societal insecurities."

Good grief. 

The vast majority of these came from a younger generation than mine, people who (I've noticed) tend to find it cool to criticize happy stuff.

In fact, yes, I'm probably going overboard on this, but their whiny, we-hate-Valentine's-Day comments reminded me of these Bible verses:

"They will ... hate what is good."  ... 2 Timothy 3:3

"What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter."  ... Isaiah 5:20

And I'll even add this: people who hate Valentine's Day lack imagination.

Why? Because they can't think or create past their it's-all-about-commercialism prejudices. They insist the holiday is designed to makes singles feel like losers and to make lovers feel pressured--and then are blocked from venturing out any farther than that.

Personally? I believe God rather likes holidays, especially ones designed to show love toward others. All over the Old Testament, especially, He called for feasts and celebrations, some lasting whole weeks. New Testament weddings were lavish, long affairs. And dancing was present at just about any kind of joyous victory celebration (yes, dancing.).

Can we please just think outside the box? And think for ourselves, rather than allow a sad, pessimistic crowd of people do our thinking for us?

I had such fun this year mailing out my Valentines. 

Sent some to four dear widow ladies, to single women and to married friends. I mailed out my simple Valentines to create smiles, to let others know they're in my thoughts not only on February 14th, but the rest of the year. And that they are loved by me and God.

Am I saying you must send Valentines? Nope, not unless God asks you to (then it's still your choice).

No, what I'm saying is that bitter negativity douses our ability to think clearly. How foolish to fight against something which is ultimately good! And how sad that we could have spent that same energy blessing others rather than thinking of ourselves (and our pathetic past experiences), and that we could have made it a joyous day for everyone.

Anything will always be what we make of it. Always.


"But the greatest of these is love."  ... from I Corinthians 13



  1. Dolores10:57 AM

    Debra, I wasn't online this weekend so I didn't see your post about Tom's Dad. So sorry he is not doing well. You guys will be in my thoughts and prayers. Dolores

  2. I homeschool my daughters so in an effort to celebrate Valentines day we started delivering valentines to all the elderly in our neighborhood. We always did the cheap, storebought kind (they got alot of Disney princess valentines). It blew me away how appreciated those valentines were. We got phone calls, thank you notes and gifts. We cat sat for one lady and she had kept every year's valentine we had ever given her. This year, I bought a CD of vintage valentine art. We are making out own, embellishing them with glitter and lace. I think you have the spirit right- it is a great holiday if you spend it thinking of how you can bless others.

  3. I so agree that all of the negative comments are unnecessary. Why rain on someone else's parade?
    I've seen some really snarky comments on some blogs, making fun of people and being rather mean.
    One, in particular came from a younger woman who told about driving in the country and seeing a clothes line full of a man's "tighty-whities". She commented on what a loser the guy was. How mean is that? Her comment was followed with reader's comments, agreeing with her. I think that is really a sad commentary on how many people feel about others who don't share their "upwardly mobile", superficial values.

    I love your idea of sending Valentines to single people, widows, and others who will be blessed by receiving them.

    This year, instead of sending a small gift, or a few dollars to each of my grandchildren, I wrote a letter to each, telling them what is so special about each of them. I hope it is something they will keep and remember, if they ever doubt how wonderful they are.


  4. I think alot of people just "like or enjoy" putting other people down...its sad.
    I think ANYTIME that we can give to others, it is better than receiving. 8~)
    Happy Day Before Valentines Day!
    Take care,

  5. Beautifully written Debra. I love that you send valentines to your friends. I'm doing the same thing. For all my long years as a single, Valentines Day was definitely a challenge. The world, at least the marketing world, screams that you should be in love. It was a painful reminder for those of us who weren't. I think that's why so many singles lash out against the holiday.

    Instead of lashing out though, I learned to celebrate all the love I had in my life. I would call up my single girlfriends and we'd talk and laugh together.

    Like always, when we focus on what we don't have, our misery is increased. But when we just begin a tiny celebration of all that we do have, the world becomes rich and beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration.

    Happy Valentines Day, my friend,


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