Monday, February 06, 2012

Of Grocery Prices and Coupons. Yes, Again. :)

Life changes for the better when we learn to view challenges as good for us rather than bad. I know we all wish Life was easier, but is that what we'd really like? Would we actually be happier if nothing ever happened to challenge us? If we never had to use our brains, our talents, our experience or to be clever?

Hmmm. I'm thinking probably not.


Last week while shopping I heard an announcement over the sound system, something about a contest. I didn't really pay attention until it said the grand prize would be a three-minute free shopping spree there at the store. Oh! "How Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio," I thought. Fun, and so nice to know things like this still exist in 2012.


Oh and last month I kept track of what I spent for all groceries and supplies from our supermarket and Rite Aid and I ended up saving (with sales and coupons) $20 more than I spent! That was kinda cool, indeed.


Here's a great relevant blog which Sarah recommended:  Thanks, Sarah!


Oh! One more thing. While stepping into my supermarket this weekend, I thought, "How fun that some kids in our area will grow-up and remember the lovely 1940's, 50's and 60's music while shopping with their mom." Big smile.  

Well, I got into the store and alas! The first two songs were a pop style from today. Now, the songs weren't bad or loud or awful or anything-- they just weren't the usual amazing retro stuff. Well, I began to get all flustered (Oh, bring the good stuff back. pul-ease!!), but took myself by the collar (figuratively) and said, "Debra, relax! Just appreciate all the times you heard that good stuff here. Besides, who says those days are over?"

And then, oh yes! Eventually, a lovely 1950's tune began to play and I smiled and sang along under my breath as I usually do. Oh happy day! 

And what a lesson: If we're pulling our hair out in frustration it's only because we're choosing to do so. We're choosing fear over faith, worry over trust.

Tsk. Tsk. シ


James 1:2–4

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."


  1. Great job on all the saving! It's such a great feeling when you can save your household money. It makes me thank the Lord everytime.
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. Where do you find Tom's of Maine toothpaste so inexpensively? It is SO expensive.
    Great shopping!

  3. Andrea--how great to see you're still reading here! I need to check your website to see if you have 'daily deal' emails--I've subbed to around 5, but there's always room for more. :) Thanks for commenting!

    NancyR--Oh, I get Tom's of Maine toothpaste at Rite-Aid! Each year they put it on a great sale *and* have it B1G1F, plus, I use a mfr. coupon *and* this time, they had a $2 up reward with it. This is the third year I've gotten my yearly supply for only $1 each tube. Gotta love that! It's the only brand we use, the one without fluoride, in fact.

    Thanks, Ladies! ... Debra

  4. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Wow! Thanks for the information on Tom's of Maine toothpaste! Thanks you so much for all the help you are giving us. I am with you, I try to keep a happy smile when shopping knowing the few things I am getting are the best bargain for us in the store. Thanks to God I am able to weed through the ads and store isles and keep our pantry stocked with bargains. I still get sticker shock but know these same high high prices do go on sales too off and on. I can wait. If not, do I really Have to have them? We are so extremely blessed here to have so many stores to shop at and a huge variety of foods to choose from. Wether we pick from the garden or the store shelfs we can eat. Sarah


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