Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Of Sleeping Well

All over the Internet I spy articles about the vital importance of sleep.

So how've you been sleeping lately?  シ

I must say, one of the many reasons I'm happy at Hobbit Cottage is that I sleep so well here. And as Internet articles (here's a short one) tell us, we all need our 7 or 8 hours of sleep. 

Rather than just complain about the changes in my body, I'm researching why I'm feeling cranky or stiff or tired or-- 

--and I'm making changes. Many. 

In fact, I've written here before about how to sleep well, but I've tweaked that list. After all, growing older is much about tweaking, making changes, so that we'll age well and stay healthy. 

So here's my new and improved list. 

1.) I eat one main meal around noon, then something small around 5 p.m. like a bowl of cereal, slice of toast, small bowl of vegetables, spoon of peanut butter or other protein, etc. After 2:00 pm I avoid foods with sugar, including fruits, pasta and rice (even brown). I also don't drink much water after that time.

2.) Shortly before bedtime I take these vitamins:

1 Melatonin (300 mcg)
1 Krill Oil  (1,000 mg)
1 Magnesium pill

After that powerful 'bedtime potion' I'm usually asleep less than ten minutes after my head hits the pillow.

3.) Tom and I sleep in separate bedrooms. Now, giggle all you want, but we both sleep sooo much better this way and I believe we're healthier and happier together as a couple for it. (When you're married, it's perfectly acceptable for couples to do anything which works for both of them, critics be darned.)

4.) I go to bed the same time (pretty much) each night. Lately, that's been between 8:00 and 8:30 which--ok--sounds ridiculous. But I love to awaken between 5:00 am and 6:00 because I'm in love with mornings.

How do I still have a social life? When Tom and I get together with friends, it's for lunch, around noonish. Has worked for us for years.

5.) Other contributing factors:

I gave up caffeine (real coffee) years ago. The littlest bit now, even early in the morning, would keep me awake all night. (Update: I occasionally have it, then double my dose of melatonin.)

Comfortable pillows (vital).
A small fan to block out things that go bump in the night.
A pitch-black room (or close). 
A window opened just a half-inch for moistened outdoor air (for sinus help). 
A comfortable bed.
I take no sleeping medications and don't plan on taking any, ever. I'll just keep tweaking this list if necessary.

If you're not sleeping well, I hope you'll keep seeking until you find what works. Is it a bit of a bother to do all this? Yes, a little. But the bigger bother is to not sleep morph into something we do not wish to be. 

Sleep. I have a feeling it's more important than any of us realize.


Oh, and I always buy the vitamins when they're BuyOneGetOneFree (often using a coupon for an additional $1 or $2 off) unless they're cheaper at, say, Vitacost.com. I wrote out best prices for each on an index card and carry it with me inside my coupon wallet for quick reference.

Krill oil can be found for a sane price at Amazon and Walmart.


  1. I rarely have trouble falling asleep. Usually as soon as my head hits the pillow I am our like a light. :)

    Great tips to keep in mind though. You never know when things may change & I may need to tweak in the future.

  2. Anonymous8:26 AM

    You are right...sleep is very important. I am TRYING to break my bad habit of staying up way too late!! It is hard as I have quite a few pills to take each day and TRY to fit in the vitamins and minerals too.
    Elizabeth in NC

  3. So happy to see I am not the only one in bed by 8:00! I have read that it is very important to lay flat for at least 5 hours to reenergize your adrenals...So not getting up to go potty for at least 5 hours. It has really helped me a lot. I use that Krill oil now every day!

  4. Yes, Debra sleep is very important. If I do not get at least 8 hrs. I do not feel well the next day. I do better with 9 or 10. I have to be up at 6:00 so that means I have to go to bed between 8:00-10:00. I put easy listening music on and sleep like a baby.

  5. I, too, am in bed by 8ish as the goaties call for me quite early in the morning and it takes awhile for me to wake up! We keep a nighttime ritual of a brief chat and some giggles before rolling over and going to sleep.

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM

    I don't remember the last time I had a decent night of sleep so I have started to take naps whenever I feel 'the moment' has come that maybe I could doze off for 30 minutes or so and it does help. Taking a nap is also healthy.
    Never heard of Krill oil and will check this out.


  7. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Last night I reread this post and followed your suggestion. I did not take the D as we get enough sun shine every day. Also we had had a fit D test recently and we were fine. I only had Krill in 300 mil and since mine are so expensive I tried one but took the melatonin and instead of taking the calcium at dinner I had it at bedtime with the other pills. I slept the best sleep I have had for ages...felt good when I got up too. I am going to do it again tonight. Know what you mean about separate bedrooms. Sleeping with another who tosses and snores loudly does not help you stay asleep! Least that is my experience. Even so, last night I slept good...did I say that before?? !! :) Sarah

  8. Thanks, Everyone! It's great knowing I'm not the only one who goes to bed insanely early. :)

    Marie--a few articles I've read say that daytime naps will throw-off your ability to sleep at night, get it out of kilter, which technically makes sense, I guess. Since I now sleep so well at night I no longer need naps, only very occasionally if I messed things up and didn't sleep well.

    Sarah--oh! Your comment made me soo happy. Thanks for letting me know!

    Thanks, All.... Debra


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