Sunday, January 01, 2012

Happy 2012 to You!

Ah, don't you love looking at that date, January 1st?!

A new year. Freshness. Starting over. Believing for good things as yet unseen.

I am happy sighing, even after last night when, during a sound sleep, I awoke suddenly to loud booms over in one direction and a woman shouting, "Happy New Year!" off in another and someone ringing a cowbell across the street. Oh, I loved all that! I got to experience a New Year's Eve party while lying snugly in my bed. I smiled and I am still smiling at the memory.

Me? I'm excited to continue my enchanted 50's which didn't begin (the enchanted part) until 4 months ago. That's when Grace returned full-speed and my oh my, did I ever miss her! I'm thinking she's here to stay this time.

Happy New Year to each of you, my readers! Ever since I was nine-years-old I dreamed of writing a book and now I've written one thanks to you. Your encouragement has kept me writing when I toyed with quitting (lots of times) and believe me, I am grateful for each kind word you have ever left me.

Let's believe for an amazing 2012 together,ok?


Addendum: The aforementioned "book" is this blog. Please see my next post for more clarification. :)


And just for fun, here's a picture of my coupon wallet which I bought just three months ago at Dollar Tree for $1.

Though it needed more dividers so I bought one more wallet. I still needed more dividers (so I'd be ultra-organized) so I created some out of large index cards I already had and the leftover labels from both wallets.

I love this thing. It makes me happy. :)



  1. Happy New year to you and Tom!
    I appreciate you and pray for those pressed down, shaken together and overflowing blessings in your life!

  2. Happy New Year!
    May 2012 be a wonderful year for you and your family.

  3. sounds like a grand start to 2012 ... especially now that Grace is dancing at the hobbit cottage!

  4. Happy New Year Debra! May it be the best ever for you and Tom!

  5. Happy New Year to you Debra. How exciting for you to have a life long dream come true. What a blessing from God.

    In Christ...Susan

  6. A book!? A book? Debra, you can't just casually say, "oh, and by the way, I wrote a book." DO TELL. That's a great accomplishment, and I'm so happy for you! What a wonderful way to start 2012! Blessings on you and Tom in the year to come.

  7. Anonymous9:08 PM

    We let ourselves lay around and relax all day. It felt wonderful. Tomorrow we will watch the Rose Parade and see Roy Rogers float {with Trigger and Bullet on it too!} I have heard of bloggers paying a company to print their whole blog to have it for keeps. Cost was just over $100 I think. Yours is one I wish I had in book form so I can read it over and over. Of course I could not have your blog published for me. I am thankful that we can go back and reread your past posts right here on the net. If you ever do actually write an actual book I would love to buy it though! :) We did not get a newspaper today so missed all the good coupons! :( Life goes on though! :) :) Thanks for the coupons to click on and print and all the cheerleading you do for God. Sarah

  8. Anonymous10:55 PM

    Thanks for the coupons. So how long did it take to write this book? I am amazed frankly, with all the moving, farm work, etc. I can understand how you might rather write a book than work on farm stuff however!!

    BLessings for 2012...hope the book will do well too.
    Elizabeth in NC

  9. Dolores11:42 AM

    A Book! Debra wrote a book! I must read it! When will it be available?


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