Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Book of Inspiration

As you may remember, each time we move I do a major, ruthless culling of my books. Of course, there are some which I (now, anyway) plan never, ever to give away.

One of those books is The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio  (How My Mother Raised Ten Kids on 25 Words Or Less). I discovered it the week it came out (2001), ordered it and have read it maybe 15 times. 

I own the movie, even.

Truly, Evelyn Ryan was inspirational and no other book can rocket me off the couch and into doing something useful faster than her daughter's book about her. After only a short perusal of pages I jump up, unfold my ironing board and catch-up on ironing or step over to the computer to print coupons, write in this blog or send emails. Or I may wash the (procrastinated) sink-full of dirty dishes. Just anything productive, doesn't even matter what.

If you've never read about this woman who supported her large family by entering slogan contests back in the 50's, please check it out here.

Evelyn's husband was, well, a flake,(a mean, alcoholic one) and this was the 50's so she was unable to go out and work--so she worked from home. I so admire Evelyn for not being a whiner nor a quitter, though if anyone had excuses for whining and quitting, she certainly did.

I've got it much easier than Evelyn ever did, but still, during this season of my life I need to do what I can money-wise lest I be forced to go out and get a job I'd rather not have. Evelyn's life inspires me to keep up with my couponing, refunding and little opportunities online (I have soo neglected surveys lately). 

Also? Evelyn's communications with her co-contesting friends always reminds me of the value of friendships through emails and snail mail, also.

Well, stop me before I go on all day--I need to get back to reading this book about a woman who's example still lives strong for us all. Or perhaps I'll iron while watching the movie. 

As I said, it's just so hard to sit still while reading the book.


Would you like a free issue of the magazine, The Good Old Days? Go here. No credit card required.

Interested in more free magazines? Go here.


Drats. I just now read that the author of this book, Terry Ryan, passed away back in 2007 of cancer. Read more about her here.



  1. I loved that book. I read it when it came on the market, loaned it to someone, and haven't seen it since.

    What an amazing woman that mom was. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Anonymous4:16 PM

    She sure was inspirational. .. to say the least. She kept up a good attitude even though living with a wayyyy less than ideal marriage. She puts me to shame. I know just where my copy of the book is and I am about done with my current read. Thanks, now I know which book I will read again ... Sarah

  3. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Going to watch the movie on youtube. Though the book would be nice too I am sure!! Thanks for the information on it.
    Elizabeth in NC


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