Monday, December 12, 2011

Speaking of A Merry Little Christmas....

Oh wow.

At 16 , I decided my favorite Christmas song was Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. And you know? All these eons later I think it still is.

So anyway, last week while washing dishes and listening to my kitchen radio to cover-up Tom's tv show pretty much in the same room (things get kinda loud and crazy here sometimes...) -- I heard this version of that song.

My favorite version ever! Immediately I asked Tom to turn down the tv so he could hear it and he was impressed, also. I'd not heard the artist's name announced, but oh dear, he sounded very familiar. Tom made a guess, we poked around the Internet, but that didn't pan out.

Then this morning as I made huevos rancheros while listening to the Christmas station again (and Tom watched tv, of course), hooray! The announcer said next up would be David Archuleta singing Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas. And of course, once again, I turned up the radio, Tom turned down the tv and I bragged a few times, "I knew he sounded familiar!" (We were big fans of David while he appeared on American Idol and we have his first cd.)

It's true that sharing something doubles its delight and that always holds true when I share things with you. So here you go. Take a peaceful break from the December crazies and just listen, relax, close your eyes and think happy, happy thoughts.



  1. love it ! That is one of my favorites also and he does it very well. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    We had huevos rancheros Sunday morning. Thanks for the recommendation. We have never gotten into watching American Idol so we did not know him. {Are we the only couple who do not watch this show? seems so! :) } Rain and more rain here today so a Merry song is sure to cheer us up! Sarah

  3. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Lovely voices...are you dancing to this song too? ;-)
    Elizabeth in NC


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