Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Joyful Tidings

"I bring you tidings of great joy..."   ... Luke 2:10


So this morning I watched my favorite Christmas show.

It was A Charlie Brown Christmas. In my opinion? That's the one that gets it most right. (Your opinion may vary. That's ok.)

At first, Charlie Brown goes around resenting Christmas and complaining about his being neglected, how everybody, even his dog, has 'gone commercial' and how he just doesn't understand Christmas at all. 

And you know? For too many years I complained in this blog about all things wrong with December, like who said "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas and complaints of other peoples' 'commercialism spirit,' the way they crowd the stores, ignoring their feverish, screaming children while on their cell phones.

But never again. 

There are no tidings of great joy in that. No, that's called complaining and the Bible, frankly, tells us to knock that off. Instead, it tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, even if they don't do Christmas (or anything else) the way we believe they should. Love, you know, the greatest thing of all.

And even if this world has changed so much in our minds, veering infinitely far away from Capra's Wonderful Life, God is God and He is still good, especially when we fall hopelessly, helplessly in love with Him. 

A love we're to spread and splash all around to a world ever searching for the Secret of Life. The secret we've been told, born anew into, the one we live daily, unless we, too, have forgotten, causing us to complain in a hopeless, bitter sort of way like everybody else. 

A relationship with Jesus is the secret we're compelled to share year-around, but especially each December. With joy.


"And be ye thankful..."

Happy 50th birthday to my sister, Corrine. Oh my goodness--weren't we just, like, nine and six the other day? シ



  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Charlie Brown Christmas has been a favorite in our house since it first appeared so many years ago. I have the tape and play it more than once every year. Next we have Bishop's Wife. Christmas in CT a two versions of Christmas Carol. An Avonlea Christmas is especially heartening. Anyway, a big wicker basket full of Christmas blessings awaits every day this week. Wilma

  2. Charlie Brown Christmas has always been one of my favorites!

  3. Rosemary7:47 PM

    I adore a Charlie Brown Christmas as well as the soundtrack from the show. It is truly a classic -- as fresh and contemporary today as it was in the 60's and its message will endure forever.

  4. Anonymous1:26 AM

    I saw this video earlier in the season and couldn't part with the money that day...I'll look for it next year. Thanks for the everyday Bible lesson Debra. I love the way you go full circle back to the Source. Makes me think and be thankful to the One I have to thank. I thank you too for directing us. When I started reading your blog ? years ago {I used to comment under a different name} I have always seen things with a different slant since. A more enlightened slant. Hard to explain but it is me trying to tell you thank you for using your writing gift to make me think. Make me realize more of the wonder of His world and make me open my mind to new ideas. ETC. ETC. Thank you for taking the time to share with us. Sarah


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