Friday, November 04, 2011

More Illustrated Autumn

Autumn in New York. Lovely, lovely thing, even in my neighborhood.

Even with a thruway at the top of that hill.

Even outside my own kitchen window. I lie upon our couch and stare at the window glass filled with dancing gold leaves. Gold with tiny flecks of blue sky.

Love this multi-colored confetti look, too, at the end of my street.

And I love awaking each morning feeling as though it's Christmas. Again!

Do you know when Life gets really, really good? It's when we do what we were created by God to do, in the place He meant us to do it, in the way He wants it to be done, even when no one appears to be doing it in the same way or they barely even notice what we're doing. And we're ok, even thrilled with all that just as it is, no complaints.

At least, that's what I'm discovering.

My new friend, Judy F., discovered my blog this year and read through the whole thing in just some weeks (my oh my!) and well, I read along with her a few posts from years ago and oh dear, I wondered, "Who is this giddy woman and where did she go?" I missed her, even.

Well, she's back. And she thanks God everyday for her return. So please remember that a sadness you're feeling today may be totally gone tomorrow. Vanished.  For as the verse says, "Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning."  Psalm 30:5



Was delighted to find a new-to-me blog this morning. Some of you may enjoy A Day In The Life--Walking With God, also.

Oh! And just minutes ago I discovered Rosie's Ramblings. Such lovely photos of a family living in the countryside. Page after page, it was like viewing the exact life I thought I craved 25 years ago. Uncanny, really. But now? Now, I'm just plain happy that Rosie and her sweet family are truly living the good life. I'm also living the good life, just in the suburbs, just at a later stage in the game. And very, very thankfully.



  1. You are so right Debra. There is such a joy and peace when you are where God wants you to be. I am now experiencing that and to think how fearful I was!

  2. Anonymous8:03 PM

    I love the song "Joy Comes in the Morning" was played at my mom's memorial service and has great meaning to me. A very comforting song and thought! Beautiful photos. We enjoyed seeing more colors out today too. Through a rain, but not a heavy one so was still enjoyable.
    Elizabeth in NC


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