Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Being Reminded of The Differences

Amazing! Hours after writing that post yesterday God swooped by with a clear instruction: "A great 'stepping out of the boat idea' would be to become more excellent in those things you're certain I've already given you to do."

Well, that was an "ouch" but a good ouch and yes! He's so right. I'm certain He wants me to stay married (yessss!) so it would be quite nice if I'd stop nagging Tom and come up with ways to love and encourage him better. Trying harder to keep us healthy (and not be such a slacker at it) would be keen, also.

It's obvious that I'm supposed to be a homemaker so how about taking better care of my home?
And how about becoming more attuned to people's needs when I visit the supermarket? 
And how about nailing down some dinner or lunch dates for those friends we've discussed inviting over?
And what about all those emails I owe? 
And how about improving this blog?

Hmmm. Sometimes God doesn't make sense to my limited mind, but oh my! Other times He makes so much sense that my brain nearly explodes.  ツ


"To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams."  I Samuel 15:22


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I find it helpful to have some things in the back of my mind, to maybe do, whenever, and perhaps. You are right, we have certain obligations to the husbands, and if how things go when mine has a day off (as to the near future and retirement), then my days are not much my own...not that I am needed a great deal, but I cannot plan too much either. But then one thing I did learn early on with this man, flexible and spontaneous, is the name of the game. And usually Hubby will go along with some of my spur-of-the-moment ideas too. And GOD will supply ALL our needs, won't HE, even down to details?

    Have fun...getting ready for winter does take a bit of time for most of us. I think ours has nearly arrived here, way early actually. Though we do not have near what some do, to prepare.
    Elizabeth in NC


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