Saturday, October 08, 2011

After 30 Years, The Dutch Couple's New Home

So do any of you remember this darling little Dutch couple? 

They awaited us at the farm when we first moved there and since my grandparents had a very similar message box when I was a child, it felt as though my dear grandparents awaited us there, also. 

(My sister and I used to write silly messages in theirs until our parents would tell us, "Stop wasting all of Grandpa's and Grandma's tablet paper." heh. ) 

One family owned that farm for thirty years so I pretty much know the Dutch couple message box was theirs and it remained beside our kitchen storm door inside our (dark, dreadful) back porch another three years, but no one ever scribbled a "we missed you" message for us in all that time.

Once just for fun I did open the tiny door and ack! A huge, hairy spider stared up at me. Brrr... Somehow I got him out of there (it's all a scary blur now as to how).

Well, I left many things behind us on the farm (even my dearly-loved clothesline), but I was determinedly brought this Dutch couple, even though they'd belonged to the farm before we did. To leave them behind would have been like abandoning my grandparents and how could I do that? 

So on my way out on the day after our Big Moving Day, I grabbed that little box off the door frame and hauled it away into the car with a host of other trifles. Then yesterday I put that sweet pair up beside our front door here at Hobbit Cottage, right where they belong. Perhaps now someone will scribble us a note inside, but in the meantime the little Dutch couple smile outside in fresh air at their new home.

Ah, contented, just like I am here in this perfect house on yet one more sun-sparkling autumn day.


Oh! Thanks for your messages about my books. I'd love to hear from more of you about the books you also have and love.

Kristi--thanks for reminding me about Spice Box. I'd been trying to think of a book to begin rereading and that's a perfect one. There was much description about her old home and then about the changes she made to it. Just what I'm in the mood for now. 

Oh, and I do also have Della Lutes' Country Kitchen, but the spine cover is missing so I usually tuck it away someplace else. I did have Home Grown but I didn't like it quite as much. Cousin William is one of the best books ever written on this planet, in my opinion. 


Hebrews 13:5

Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: for He has said, I will never leave your, nor forsake you.


My dear grandparents. Sweetest people on Earth.



  1. Anonymous4:49 PM

    The Dutch Couple is so cute and a good idea...I vaguely remember some of our kin having something simpler, but the same idea...a place to put notes if they were not at home. I would have taken that from the farm too, just as you did!!

    Elizabeth in NC

  2. The best items to treasure are those that have connections to the past .. weathered .. worn .. things tossed by the roadside. To be given a good dusting and brought back to life .. as originally intended or re-purposed.

    The Dutch couple add a bit of whimsy and charm to your front door.

    Have a blessed Sunday.

  3. My Grama had one of those on her front porch! SO much fun remembering.

  4. Thanks, Ladies, for your comments and stories! I really appreciate hearing from each of you. Blessings, Debra


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