Saturday, September 10, 2011

Two Photos of My Two Kitchens

So! Here is the presentable half of our new kitchen. Usually I'm not a fan of dark cabinets, yet I love these. That dresser which I'm using for an island is the same one you may recall that Tom bought for me at an estate sale (had a mirror, too). Comes in handy as an island, especially with its three large drawers.

And because we're not exactly blessed with a whole plethora of cabinets, I decided to create another kitchen down in the basement. You know how I am: why whine about a thing when--with some creativity--you can change it? 

Drum roll... prepare to go back to the 1920's:


Kinda nifty, huh? (Click to enlarge.) One of my better ideas, though as with most of my decorating ideas, I probably stole it from a magazine or tv show. :) Our basement is very dry and this area is perfect for extra linens and my food stock-up for winter. (You can just see my freezer behind the pie cabinet on the right.)

So it's the best of both worlds around here kitchen-wise: kinda-modern and retro-quaint. Love them both.


We had only one mishap during the Big Move: the top of our Hoosier cabinet fell off the truck onto its back.  (Oh dear. I was, like, this-is-just-a-test-this-is-just-a-test.) Tweaked it a bit, but Tom thinks he can untweak it.


If you missed my earlier post this morning, I shared a photo of my attic room.



  1. What a fantastic idea to have another kitchen in the basement! Great storage, and another little getaway room. I LOVE that! That's where I would enjoy my ice cream from the deep freeze. And lunches on a hot summer day. And maybe someday your grandkids will play house and have tea parties in Grandma's "other" kitchen. I love them both!

  2. Both are gorgeous, but I am particularly fond of the 1920s kitchen! :)

  3. Anonymous2:25 PM

    The house hubby and I built (with help) back in '76-'78 had 2 kitchens. The basement one was because we lived there over a year while completing the upstairs (which I would NEVER recommend doing...but we learn eh?) but twas oh so nice to have that to can during hot summers...and we did not have AC in those days.

    I like your kitchens and the other photos show a very comfy, welcoming home...what more could one ask for? Good job!!

  4. your basement kitchen made me smile! and i like your modern kitchen too - dish washer and all!!! looks lovely, and i can just hear your enjoyment of making it homey ... blessings on ya!

  5. You're having a lot of fun, Debra. I can see that! Nothing like a sort of blank slate of a new house to get those creative brain cells dancing about! There is already a cozy look to all the photos that makes it look like your style.

  6. Love, love, love! More pictures please!

  7. Debra, the kitchens are both amazing, I love your idea to use the dresser as an island. And your fiftys kitchen is perfect. The attic looks adorable. What did you do with all the tractors and extras you had? Glad to hear you are happy!

  8. I remember having to choose between cherry and white cabinets when we remodeled our kitchen. It was such an agonizing choice. I chose cherry and put my white hoosier and all my funky retro kitchen stuff in the adjoining sunroom. I always knew you were a kindred spirit!

  9. Love both kitchens, but especially the basement kitchen. I would have to move that Hoosier-type cabinet upstairs though, so I could see it every day.

  10. I like both your kitchen arrangements. You have surely been busy.
    I have my grandparent's Hoosier and its one of things I insist has to be packed into the truck or van very carefully during our moves.

  11. I love your kitchens,especially the 1920 one!


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