Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Reporting From Suburbia

I'm back! And in between the wild and crazy moving (on one of the hottest, most humid days of the year) and unpacking and returning for two extra carloads of stuff which even that great big truck couldn't accommodate, well, I missed you. A lot.

But Tom and I and all our assorted junk are in our new little house and happy, happy, happy, though tired, tired, tired. What a wild ride was Moving Day! (Did I mention the extreme heat and humidity?) And oh! Those poor movers. All three of them brought no extra water or lunches(!) They said they never bring a lunch, which sounds kinda like either slave labor to me or foolishness. I mean a 10 or 11 hour day with no food? I know they get an hourly rate and their customers want to get the most from their money, but hey... Anyway, Tom and I bought them (and us) cokes and pizza and made sure the guys had water all day long. To us, that made more sense--keep your workers strong and even with a half-hour lunch break they'll still get way more done.

Oh and the best thing about Moving Day? Around 6 o'clock when Tom and I were starving, exhausted and drenched with sweat (each smelling like a crowded gymnasium), our lovely realtor-friend, Cher, brought us a whole dinner! Oh my goodness, I nearly cried. She'd made a large pan of ziti (which we ate for days), and included an amazing salad, some sourdough bread and cupcakes with chocolate frosting. Oh, oh, oh..... truly, one of the kindest things anyone has done for us in a long time. Wow.

Well, there are myriad more details of our return to suburbia, but I'll save them. I just wanted to let you know I'm back online (as of 15 minutes ago) and already loving this new life, even though the little kitchen stair rail fell off the first day and our garage door got stuck the second day and even without having a refrigerator (we just have our small freezer in the basement) and a plethora of boxes, many of which must be lugged from the basement all the way upstairs to my attic room where I now write to you--even with all that--I still awake each morning feeling as though Christmas has arrived and hoping with all my heart that--if this is a dream--may it never, ever end.



  1. I've been waiting for your return. It's good to know you're in your new home and happy as can be. What a wonderful gift Cher gave to you in bringing delicious food to your tired and weary bodies. Bless You! Can't wait to hear more.

  2. Oh, welcome to your new home! You sound happy, happy, happy, even though there is so much yet to be done....But all in the fullness of time! Your realtor is wonderful! But you and Tom were reaping what you had sown feeding your movers! Can't wait to hear more, and may all go well....Give yourselves time to rest during this settling in time! It's essential!

  3. Looking forward to photos of the interior!
    Glad you and Tom are happy with the new cottage.

  4. OH! I am so SO happy for you!! Take your time unpacking and pace yourself!

  5. i relived our move with ya, while reading your post! ... i know that good feeling of knowing you are where God wants you to be! let the adventure continue ...

  6. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Glad it is done!! That awaits me at some perhaps not long off day too...and I have so much to do to reach what you have!! But we must live smaller as we age I think!! STUFF makes for too much work! Looking forward to more posts on this house and how you are putting it together.

  7. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Enjoy your new Home Sweet Home! So glad you are back! Joyce

  8. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Very happy for you...all the best in your new little house. Must be quite cozy in there.


  9. Welcome to your new home. May The Good Lord give you many happy memories here .. and be with you in good times and bad. I'm excited for you both!


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.