Thursday, September 22, 2011

Outside The Windows. Inside, Too.

Down on the farm, the sparrows would just pick at our feeders. They'd act like, "Eh. This cheap birdseed is ok, but just barely. Pick, pick, spit."

But our suburb sparrows! They act like tiny, starving wolves.

It's not unusual to see 50 or 60 sparrows terribly excited out back, swarming around the feeders and gleefully pushing each other aside. They even sit upon our hedge at window-level of our kitchen sink and stare at us, willing us to bring out more food.

Little beggars. Totally different than their country cousins, but then, they don't have the amount of bugs and worms they have out there, either. But we enjoy the happy, flitting guys.


It's such a treat to sit upon our couch and gaze out at this view:

Back in our other suburb house, our views consisted of a brick wall or a florescent blue one or a couple plain houses across the street. All this green is better. Much. I wonder if the window will fill with gold, instead, soon?


And here's a bit more detail from our living room which you've not yet seen:

That window, too, frames green trees, as do the windows in my upstairs room.

Ah, Debra's Upstairs World. I try to think only happy thoughts up here. Something negative happened yesterday, someone (not Tom) said something stupid, but it came to me that I didn't need to be dragging the memory of the words upstairs with me. And that was a delight--a discipline, too. A good one I believe I will keep, you know, "think on these things", the upstairs version.

And that's about all from this tired puppy today.


Philippians 4:8

"Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."


  1. I really like that Morris chair. Did you have it in your other house?
    Things are looking good!

  2. Nancy--thanks so much! In our farmhouse, that chair was upstairs so it didn't make it into too many photos. In our earlier suburb house it was in the living room, but then, that's been some time ago. Glad you like it--and that you know its official name. We say 'Morris chair' to other people and they say, "Huh?" :) It's very comfortable, too. Blessings, Debra

  3. That's a good thought--that we needn't carry the burden or hurt of another person's unkind words or actions with us, keeping the hurt alive.
    Putting it into practice takes a measure of grace that I haven't usually thought to ask for--something to ponder and no doubt a correction to make in my attitude.
    Thank You!

  4. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Our "deck buddies" clean it all up usually by 10 AM...and I put out a good sized bowl of seeds too. I guess maybe more are coming than used to. We have enjoyed so much watching them however!! I hope the next folks who live here will continue to feed them...though the neighbors also feed. It is so nice to be surrounded by trees too!! Hope you will enjoy your sojourn there!
    Elizabeth in NC


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