Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Of Kindness and Not Quitting in Rough Times

Oh wow.

This true story inspired the slippers right off my feet. I hope it will inspire you, too-- to always hang in there, to not allow self-pity to glue you to your couch.

And it certainly took me by the shoulders and said, "See, Debra? You have absolutely nothing to complain about!"

One more thing --there never has been a Good Old Days Decade where everybody was nice and Life, always dreamy. Never. So what remains is for me, for each of us, to make this decade a wonderful one by our kindnesses to others.

Kindness matters to God. Much.

Hmmm.... You're curious about that inspirational article now, aren't you? Well, what are you waiting for? Hop over there and read it! :) 


"And let us not lose heart in well-doing for in due season we will reap if we do not grow weary."   ... Galations 6:9


  1. Anonymous2:22 PM

    What an interesting story...tho' my heart goes out to that poor lady. We lived in a strange town that reminded me of the one this lady lived in...for almost 15 years. What a joy it was to MOVE!! We also had chickens a couple of times there (so our girls could do 4-H at the fair, etc). They are lovely pets we learned. They could be trained to do some pretty amazing little daughter did most of their training and both girls got the top award at the fair for those chickens, in the midst of the "country folk"...heehee! Thanks for sharing the story! The love this lady had for the chickens reminded me of how much our last dog especially meant to us. As we cried over her demise, we were reminded of her love, loyalty and friendship which surpassed most human relationships. We will always miss her!! One does not think of a chicken in this way, but they can become awfully wonderful pets as well.

  2. I get Susan's emails, so I have already read this. I would love to get my hands on the "book" Nancy wrote. It must be an interesting read.

    Hang in there, Debra!


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