Saturday, August 06, 2011

Changes Made Easier Thanks to Lucy

So. Today would have been Lucille Ball's 100th birthday.

Where was I when I heard she'd died? In my kitchen in Nevada, dishing-up Tom's birthday cake and ice cream for him, two friends of ours and a nine-year-old Naomi. They were watching tv and  Tom called from the living room, "Lucille Ball died today." Then after I watched the tv news report, I returned to the kitchen and finished scooping the ice cream all teary-eyed.

I Love Lucy is such a comfort show, one I watch when too many changes happen. How much better to watch Lucy's crazy antics and be nudged to smile rather than to stare into space and picture my own problems.

Lately I realize old tv shows, movies and books, comfort me because--though the world has gone wilder--those shows and books never do. Always it's the same lines. The same plots, audience laughter or dance scenes. 

No danger of unexpected surprises or bad news in old films and books!

And I think that's why I (and other folks) also seek places alone, by ourselves (or with our spouse only), during rough times. We don't wish to face other peoples' drama. Or risk them telling us, "I'm too busy now," or their I-told-you-so's. We crave sameness so to counteract the out-of-our-control changes. And we just wish to lick our wounds and heal, alone, or alone with Jesus.


There arrives a time to leave the tv or our books of the hide-away, comfort places.  A time to step back outside into the fray. The time returns to test our healing on wobbly legs, to listen, again, to our teachers, even those whose lessons we don't always appreciate and to care for others who need the help we, ourselves, have received.

No man being an island, you know.

But anyway. Happy 100th birthday to Lucille Ball, a woman who did not hide her talents beneath any bushel baskets, but rather, allowed them to shine, sharing what God gave her, offering comfort to the rest of us even now, long after she went away.


Corinthians 1:4,5... God comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”



  1. I loved that show also. She always made me laugh and I love to laugh. My daughter danced in the ballet company that the little boy who played little Ricky in the show owns. He is a strong believer and a wonderful man. He has some great stories about Lucy and Ricky....So fun!

  2. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Right now I'm watching the Hallmark marathon of 96 Lucy episodes. She is my comfort zone. I've loved I Love Lucy since the very first show while I was still in high school.

    Happy Birthday Lucy! Your talent and beauty will shine forever.


  3. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Some of the old shows indeed gave us laughter and that in itself helps one to heal (we have loved McHale's Navy...hubby was 6 years in the Navy, and that crazy Tim Conway!!..HA!!) And of course, being with our REAL FATHER above, brings the best solace. But indeed, our homes are supposed to be our havens FROM the world...even the Messiah had to go aside at times, alone, to prepare for what was ahead. Hubby and I cherish our Sabbath times together each week...usually just us 2 alone. We have coped much better since we began so doing. The extra quiet and rest helps as well.

  4. Have you checked out Google today?
    Each time you click on the arrow, another Lucy moment is shown.

  5. A lovely post....She had a great gift, did Lucy, and used it to make us all laugh and laugh and laugh. Laughter IS the best medicine, a merry heart does do us good. I truly believe we think more clearly when we are relaxed and laughter does that for us all.


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