Tuesday, July 05, 2011

This and That

While we're still waiting to hear about our latest counter-counter offer,  here's a link to a tour of Mary's House, a home with the exact interior feeling I'd like to give Hobbit Cottage.

I'd planned to do a whole Daisy Cottage look (because I love it so), but we'd have to buy ever so much stuff, whereas, we already own nearly everything we'd need for the Mary's House Look. And since we already bought the stuff Mary uses, it must be that, deep inside, Tom and I prefer it. So, as with farm-dreaming and reading, I'll just do Daisy-Cottage-dreaming over Kim's photos and be content.

Hey, I'm learning.


Sadly, the Adirondak author, Anne LaBastille, passed away on Friday at age 75. You can read her obituary here. She certainly led a full life doing what she was called to do and I'll always be grateful that she left us her story.


A very special thanks to those of you who have clicked on my "I Recommend" amazon.com box over here on the right --------->. Whenever you buy anything afterward--even if it's not something I've listed in that box--I am given credit, and well,  last week they sent me my first gift card. Woo hoo! So thanks again. (And anytime you feel like ordering from amazon--if you'd zip over here first and enter through my box--well, I'd be thrilled to pieces.)   :)


Oh, and my mom and her beau are still doing great. He'll have a birthday this week--so for awhile--he'll only be 8 years younger than my mom. heh. He's driving her to Washington state to visit her best friend from high school whose husband passed away in February then he'll leave for a week-long Alaskan cruise with his kids. After that, he'll return for my mom. Happy sigh that my mom is enjoying such a nice life.


  1. That house SO looks like you! I love it- like stepping back to 1930. I know what you mean, there are so many "looks" that I love.....looking at. I guess I just need several houses to decorate to my heart's content:)

  2. Wow! The "Mary's House" look is perfect for the house you want, and looks like it is definitely similar to what you have created in your farmhouse.
    I live with a very similar style, from the porch to the interior. It was fun seeing that house. I have the bead board on the walls, her kitchen counter tile, is my master bathroom floor tile. I even have an identical area rug. It is a timeless look, and one that is very comfortable to live with.
    Hope you get Hobbit Cottage!

  3. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Mary's House is delightful!! And very inviting!!

    Elizabeth in NC

  4. Anonymous1:14 AM

    I Love Mary's cottage. Yes it looks like the feeling I have gotten in the homes you have had. I love it too. Timeless, understated, but the use of woods , fabric and accessories makes it so rich in texture and seem so peaceful. The feeling perfectly of both my grandparents homes. When I saw Mary's mantel clock I could hear it tick. Yes you can do it with the things you and Tom have already gathered. It is going to be beautiful!! Sarah

  5. Julie soon no longer in Texas11:27 AM

    Thanks for letting me know about Anne LaBastille's passing, Debra. A search about her initially brought me to your blog as a kindred spirit. A wonderful soul she was, living a life in time and place, that surely God created just for her time here on Earth.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.