Thursday, July 07, 2011

Of McCartney's Predicament

So. Remember how, in all this house-hunting insanity, we found what felt like a tumor in McCartney The Cat? Well, after a drive to the vet's office yesterday we discovered she actually has three mammary gland tumors. The good news is that they can be removed, the bad news is that it would be over $1,000 and it's nearly guaranteed that other tumors would grow afterward in the remaining glands. Which would mean more surgery and more money and then more surgery and more money and --

The doctor said since she's an older cat (14) he would totally understand if we just wanted to take her home (she's not in any pain he says) and wait until (gross alert): the tumors begin breaking open and she starts leaking all over the furniture, then bring her in and have her put down. It could be tomorrow or a year from now, he said. There's no way to tell.

So that's what we did. Brought her home (after a stop on Seneca Nation Land for hamburgers in the car beside a pretty forest). All along she's seemed to act normally, except for losing some weight and we're grateful for the grace we've been given to handle these Last Days of McCartney on top of everything else spinning around us.


In other news... Tomorrow we'll return to Hobbit Cottage for the house inspection. Can't wait! Tom and I will each take a list of measurements of our furniture and assorted items here to make sure they will fit over there. And of course, we'll walk around and make more plans inside our heads, especially where to put birdfeeders outside the windows so we can watch them over in our new life as we've watched them in our old one.

We do so enjoy watching frolicking birds, even if that does make us sound, well, old. But it's a cheap thrill and keeps us off the streets.  :)


(Regarding the photo: We'd like to create something similar to what we had in our previous yard for the birds. We would place it in a corner of our front yard where the tall hedges meet. For me, tiny yards are a zillion times easier to landscape than large ones!)



  1. Anonymous7:57 AM

    When we could find no bird feeders that the squirrels would not destroy, I gave up and began just putting the feed on the bench seats of the deck (with the heat and insects we never use them anyhow) we also enjoy watching the antics of our "deck buddies". We have a waterer there too...which some of the birds often use as a bath, providing further enjoyment to our watching. Yea, you say, keeps us off the streets!!

    Enjoy the move!
    Elizabeth in NC

  2. Agree with you about the tiny yard being easier to landscape than the larger ones.

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your cat. I think you made a wise (but hard) decision. Surgery would be very hard on a cat that age. My good friend had to put down her horse and her mother said, "Horses don't understand or fear death, they do, however, understand and fear pain- make sure you don't try to keep him alive for selfish reasons" A very wise woman I think. I know this is heartbreaking for you- my prayers are with you.

  4. Anonymous10:08 AM

    PS...we understand how it is with pets...we let our dog suffer too much (because our daughter just could not put her down earlier) and then we were gone far away when the final day came, which she had to face alone (with the vet, who fortunately was her good friend). Hubby and I are not sure we will have another pet...we have gotten to where it is just too hard to let them go!! Why don't dogs live as long as parrots (and I imagine you would wish that for cats too)??

    Blessings, Elizabeth in NC

  5. Sorry to hear about your cat, but very happy to hear you and Tom have found a new smaller home so your not so over whelmed. Life is good and it all works out! Have fun with a new garden also.

  6. Debra; We had a lovely half-Siamese cat, Oscar, whom I adored. He was only 7 when he developed an inoperable tumor on his hip. Our wise vet told me to take him home and love him until I could see that his quality of life had diminished. Each day with him was precious, but the time came when I realized how thin he was and how his joy of life was gone. I made the appointment for him to be put down. When the vet examined Oscar he noted that the tumor was only days from breaking down. I was glad I had sparred my dear cat [and us] that final indignity.
    It hurts so to lose a pet whether they are "too young" or full of years.


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