Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Of God's Timing, Not Mine

So. I forgot to tell you that we're no longer planning to move to a southern state when we retire. As in, a state located below this one.

That is, if we ever get out of New York. (Fortunately, I still love this state, though Tom is undecided. Depends upon which day you ask him.)

But anyway, finally I convinced Tom he just wouldn't be able to handle the humidity in places like North or South Carolina. I mean, we'll walk away from a yard sale, back to our car, and he'll whimper exclaim, "Wow! I can't believe how humid it is today!" Then I'll say (me, who can barely deal with humidity), "Are you kidding? This is nothing. It's cool and breezy. Didn't even notice it was hot. And you think you'd survive the South??"

Well, that's been going on a few years now and finally Tom saw the proverbial light. He's now thinking more western-like for our retirement.

So after we settle into Hobbit Cottage we'll take our time and check-out all those Best Places to Retire lists online. Do our own research, listen to God's whispers and most likely, "Go West, old couple."  heh

It's a relief though, that we're realizing faith requires unanswered questions because you know, don't you, how we folks can be? We want to know ahead of time. We want answers. Where will we end up retiring? When will we get there? What will happen to us there? How will we afford it? Who, what, where, when, why? That's the human side of us.

But the spiritual, godly, trusting side says, "It will be well with my soul. And everything's gonna be all right."

I mean, hey! For years I (seriously) believed it would take us anywhere from 2 months to 2 years to sell this farm. But what did it take? Four days. Yep, put a house up for sale when God says, "Go for it! Why wait?", and well, you never know. Miracles just might happen.

And that's what I remind myself when I begin to (already, sheesh!) doubt our future ability to sell Hobbit Cottage when we're ready to leave good ol' New York. It's one small house! Yet God reminds me there's a very real trend for people to downsize these days--He even makes certain I run across lots of online news stories which confirm that. But more, He keeps reminding (ol' still too doubtful) me what matters most is that we sell when He says sell and that we trust Him to find us a buyer.

... that we don't just include Him in our plans, no! But rather, that we follow His plan, instead.

Life looks and feels so differently when God is calling the shots. This is what I am learning.


"In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths."



  1. I believe that it is possible that you will stay in your little hobbit house forever. :) You are tired of making new choices and moving. You will love your new home and the freedoms it allows you. I pray that you find joy and contentment there.
    Blessings to you.

  2. Rita---awww, that sounds so sweet. Thanks! But someday we'll need to move to a different state because of 1.) Our insane property taxes (even with having our house paid-off, it's still like having a house payment, what with the taxes and 2.)The abundance of snow. But you're right about one thing--wherever we go I'm thinking we'll always live in small houses in suburbs from now on. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. heh. Thanks for commenting! Blessings, Debra

  3. where ever you are darlin' you will be at home.
    Each has a negative and positive. Here in Az the heat is there but no bugs no humidity. I do long for the green however. So if we were to travel to visit green my heart would be refreshed. Back east is beautiful but at a price.
    I pay here in loss of the green. It is here and there and I do have my favorite little tree lined side streets that I go out of my way for.
    Oh retirement... the passages of time.

  4. Where He leads I will follow. A song I used to sing as a child in church and as an adult it has many applications!
    I know what you mean about property tax!
    I live just south of Detroit, and have some family in s. eastern Ohio and I am surprised how much milder and shorter their winters are. It seems from the Michigan State line north the winters are brutal!


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