Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Best Place To Live

"The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper.When Elijah heard it, he pulled his cloak over his face and went out and stood at the mouth of the cave.

Then a voice said to him, “What are you doing here, Elijah?" ...1 Kings 19:11-13


This passage flew to my mind when I read yet another blog post today hinting that the country life is the best life, the one closest to how God meant us all to live.

And well, let me tell ya... The best place to live is where God calls you to live.

If God wants you in the suburbs, well, you can move out to the greenest, most-natural patch of country land--but He won't be out there. At least, not in the way you're hoping to find Him. You can go 'back to the land' and off the grid and drink milk straight from under a cow, yet you won't find any extra-closeness to God out there, no matter how many people tell you that that's where He lives.

No, if God's called you to the suburbs, you'll know Him best and feel His joy while fulfilling His purposes for you there in the 'burbs.

If God has called you to a cabin in the woods, you won't find greater happiness on Rich Peoples' Boulevard. And of course, if He's called you to a big countryside farm, you won't be 100 percent happy on a tiny lot in the city.

Trust me. I know.

Three years ago today I moved to this large countryside lot and--on a scale of 1 to 10-- my Joy Level has averaged a 6. Maybe a 5. But in our suburb house squeezed between two other houses? That level usually ran around a 12.


The truth? I have often resented this too-big-for-me farm for zapping my best energy. Too many times I worked harder than I wanted to just to keep up with things that always need doing--when instead--I just wanted to write in this blog. Or rearrange furniture and paint a wall. Or read a book, make a craft or sit outside and dream in the sun--and come away with more blog fodder.

Lots of bloggers told me the simple life was in the countryside and I've (sadly) resented that, too. The simple life is out here? Ha! Never have I known such extreme complication, such a need to plan everything beforehand and to always be one step ahead of the myriad details out here.

And yet I needed to move out here in order to realize where I truly belong. 

To learn that I can't run a farm and write my very best in this blog simultaneously. I'd heard before that when you have a gift you must arrange your life so to pursue it and seek to do it better--but I forgot that. Or didn't make the connection in this case.

Believe me, I'll never forget again! This amazing experience has been so huge, so memorable, that from now on I'll arrange to make room for my writing and encouraging gifts-- my strongest giftings. To put them before lesser things, not after.  I'll sacrifice, even,  to devote my best strength to God's purposes for me.

For your sake I'm determined (and excited) to do this.


"Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life." ... Proverbs 4:23

If you're feeling led to move to a farm--go for it! But only if you're sure God wants you to expend your energy working the land, first, and all else, second, third, etc.. 
He does call some people to do that, you know.


Julie asked a great question so I thought I'd publish it and my response out here for clarification:

Julie From Texas said:

So, you didn't feel, at the time, that God was calling you to be a country dweller?

Debra said:

Julie--hmm... Well, it's not the countryside that's the problem, really. It's more like the *size* of it we bought! :)

I still prefer this lovely area (and our sweet little town) but as Peter Walsh would say, "It's all too much." Tom and I need to downsize our house, yard and possessions and then I can more easily fulfill God's purposes for me.



  1. My very best place to live has been on the edge of town with enough space between my house and the next that we do not bother each other when we start our cars etc. I like a garage because that way not everyone knows when I am home and when I am not. If I am busy I don't feel the need to open the door just because someone stopped by. I let the machine take the message often. And yet I find joy in church activities etc. I'm glad you are following God's leading.

  2. You never stop listening, and trying to hear what is being said, so I have no fear that you won't succeed in resting where Grace wants you to be....And I am wishing you peace in the process as well as the outcome...I don't know if we ever have a final outcome here! I think we are always works in progress.

  3. BIG HUG!
    I was thinking of you this evening and came to turn on the computer to check on you. I am not on here much now.
    Just got to tell you that your in my thoughts.
    Prayers as well upon each remembrance.
    Seasons for all things under the sun.
    Not to complain is a good thing, as is allowing your self to grieve.
    Be patient with yourself.

  4. Julie in Texas3:02 AM

    So, you didn't feel, at the time, that God was calling you to be a country dweller?

  5. Rita--your place sounds just right!

    Kristi--oh definitely, we'll always be works in process. :) It's great, though, how God can totally change us forever when we let Him and we can come away transformed.

    Donetta--thanks for being sweet!

    Julie--hmm... Well, it's not the countryside that's the problem, really. It's more like the *size* of it we bought! :)

    I still prefer this lovely area (and our sweet little town) but as Peter Walsh would say, "It's all too much." Tom and I need to downsize our house, yard and possessions and then I can more easily fulfill God's purposes for me.

    (Hope that makes sense...)

    Thanks, Everyone! ...Debra

  6. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Perhaps it is the timing, Debra. I used to live in the country when young and though I miss many parts of that, unless it is on some land that does not need a whole lot of tending, probably not a good idea at our age and level of strength. Some people take joy is working hard all day long...others have many other parts of their life. We live on almost an acre, but I am finding it too close...sigh, though I love dogs so much, I am SOOOOOOOOO tired of all the mutts constantly barking around us, even in the middle of the night sometimes. We are just not sure about buying...tis easier to move when renting. One friend who lived a number of years in a camp trailer loved it, said when the neighbors bothered you, you just move. If we lived in a more reasonable time, when our culture was such that others usually cared about how their actions affected other would be different. So do be careful where next you go. If GOD puts you there, it will be ok however!!

    Blessings, Elizabeth in NC

  7. Hi Debra, I have been away from blogging a few weeks,just does not seem to be enough time. Do you have any idea where you will be moving to. Hope its closer to me!
    Some days I think I really love this place and want to stay,other days I am overwhelmed with it all and wish for a smaller place,don't know when we will make the move.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.