Friday, April 22, 2011

My Magical Place

I believe everyone needs a magical place of wonder, meditation and escape and well, here is mine. My front porch.

Oh, out there, when the sun is shining, lovely things happen. I smile like a Cheshire cat and think huge thoughts, simple ones, too. I gaze out windows and dream and feel, for awhile anyway, that the entire world is one revolving, happy place. And out there on my porch, well, it is. The world is whatever I want it to be for those few sunny moments I get to spend out there.

There are even happy cats sitting in windows on our front porch. This is Farrah, Naomi's adorable cat who looks up at you and squints her pretty green eyes while rising up on her tip-toes:

Her sister, Ginger (a.k.a. One Mean Kitty) also hangs out on our porch on sunny days as well as Sammy who resembles a big black bear (think I'm kidding?)

Everyone needs a magical place, a secret place (even if everybody else knows about it). Maybe yours is down at the local Starbucks. Or at TJ Maxx or the mall. Or in your backyard, your Mom Cave, the local park or the 1950's movie theater downtown.

But wherever, I hope you, too, have a magical retreat where you can escape when your world spins too crazily (or before it does, is even better). A place where you breathe deep breaths and dream and pray and maybe even sing. Where your soul, your spirit, get restored and where you can be you. And where you and God can hang out, together.


May your Good Friday be blessed...

Want to know how I really feel about Earth Day? Go here.


Oh my! Do you love this tea room, or what? Another blogger, my friend Elizabeth, gave us a peek of the porch of the tea room last week (totally inspired me since my porch is similarly-built), but now we can all see the rest of such a magical place. OhmyOhmyOhmy! Makes me wish I could just wave my hand over my bedroom and make it reflect that light, airy style.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Looks very inviting...especially on this rainy, cold day here!!

    Elizabeth in NC

  2. Oh, yes. I do have one!

  3. Love the burgundy color. The loveseat is super! But I can't read the titles on all the books! It will get sunny soon. Happy Easter, Debra, to you and Tom.

  4. Julie in Texas1:11 AM

    You should free-lance as a decorator, Debra! :)

  5. I love your sunroom. I am hoping that ours will be finished soon and that it can be a magically place as well.
    Lisa :o)

  6. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Oh I stumbled on this blog and tea room unexpectedly May2nd. Magical to put it mildly!! :) The whole blog is eye candy. But no one can give us thought candy like you Debra. You bring us full circle back to faith ,Grace and God. He is a part of all our lives every day. You know this, live it and share about it. Thank you. It is not that I don't like your house too!! :) Cause I do!!! :) :) Sarah


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