Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Have a Mystery to Recommend?

So. A friend gave me an amazon.com gift card for my birthday just last week (her computer was down over the week of my birthday in mid-March) and well, you'd think I was making a life-and-death list of books to order there, or something.

"Oh! I should get this book that's been on my wish list for eons," I tell myself. But then I'll say, "Hmm... No, that would be a better one to get from the library, first, to see if it's one I'll want to read again and again."

I've read book reviews at amazon.com until I'm crazy. How maddening when half the people loved a book and the other half hated it. Who to believe?

My, my. I'm thinking sometimes having no extra money to spend online is a pleasant thing. Certainly makes my choices easier (as in, when there's no choice!). :)

In fact, now I'm dreaming of those upcoming book sales and yard sales where my only choices will be the three (or so) potentially Debra-friendly books out of many on tables surrounding me. The three I'll find for--most likely--a dollar, or less, each. Ah, can't wait!

But alas. Finally I chose a couple books for my list and I need one (or two?) more. And I'm thinking I'd like a cozy mystery very much like Joanne Fluke's Blueberry Muffin Murder and her others. I've checked out all of hers, except the latest, from our local libraries, found them delightful, lightweight, Rated G or PG (shall we say) and not dark.

But now I'd like to move on and find another similar cozy mystery author.

So come on all my kindred spirits who read here! I am counting on you. Please recommend a book for my list so that I can also move on there and finally click "send."

All suggestions are welcome. Thanks!


  1. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

  2. Have you read The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency series? I'm halfway through the latest (1oth) book, The Saturday Big Tent Wedding Party.

  3. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Debra, the Mrs. Pollifax mysteries are enjoyable. Here's a fan website: http://mrspollifax.com/blog/tag/mrs-pollifax-series/

    I also like the Nero Wolfe mysteries by Rex Stout (started in the 1930's) and the V.I. Warshawsky mysteries by Sara Paretsky. (sp?) CP (nccataline)

  4. I love nearly anything written by Francine Rivers... especially her "Mark of the Lion" series. :)

  5. The Cat Who series by Lilian Jackson Braun. You may have read them but I think they are my favorite of all the mysteries I've read. The first is The Cat Who Could Read Backwards.


Thanks for your comments-- I love to read what you are thinking! If you are unable to comment, please contact me at gladone4@protonmail.com. Oh, and please be kind. Thank-you.