Sunday, February 20, 2011

A New Plan

Okay. My final cat-centered post. For awhile, anyway.

Today, thank-goodness, the suffocating grief has eased and I feel Hope dripping into my heart, as though through an IV. And oh, the sun is rising in a blue sky--be still my winter-weary heart!

And I have a new plan.

You know that Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young song, 'Our House'? The part about two cats in the yard? Well, I need at least two cats in my house for Life to feel right, for the rooms to sing while I wash dishes or windows or iron or sit on the porch and read my books. In fact, back in the suburbs when we had three downstairs cats and three upstairs cats (Naomi's), well, Life felt downright fine. Perfect.

Skittles, Lennon and McCartney--what a trio! Oh, how they seasoned our days, completed and enchanted the most ordinary hours, even making my hundreds of memories of that gang bathed in window sunlight, yes, even what with all those long Buffalo winters.

Now McCartney, alone, is left. Downstairs, anyway.

So. Back to my new plan. At the right time (hopefully, after the Big Move) Tom and I will bring home a pair of cats. Sister and brother, perhaps, the way Lennon and McCartney were. Two cats who will be companions as our pair was, wholly devoted, pals, sleeping partners during winter's cold afternoons and long nights. Not one cat now, one later, then trying to force them to get along. Uh, no.

McCartney won't mind. Naomi's cats sneak down here occasionally and McCartney just rolls her eyes, then turns toward the wall. And when March comes, she will turn 14. Not always will she be with us and then the Lennon-McCartney era will be over.

So-- two new cats! A whole new chapter in the lives of Debra and Tom, who loves the new plan, though I may have to beg him to wait. He's still sitting in front of those SPCA web pages, poking me to turn and see the occasional cat, saying, "Aww, doesn't he look like he needs a good home?" Alas.

And yet upon my list of Things to Do Before We Move are hundreds of tasks and I see no 'breaking in two new cats.' But amidst all the To Do's I do see lots of hope and healing and impending joy, with special thanks to God and to all of you for your prayers and written condolences.

Thank-you for caring enough to share your stories and your concern. They are--you are--deeply appreciated.


I'm slowly getting here regarding Lennon:

"Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened." ... Dr. Seuss


"Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you."
Zechariah 9:12


  1. What an awesome plan you have!! When we lost our cat Smokie several years ago we ended up getting to cats - Stewie and Dewie who were brothers. It was the best thing we did. They love each other and are often found cuddling/sleeping together.
    Glad to hear the grief is easing up a bit. May it continue to,
    Lisa :O)

  2. Three cats is the perfect number I think. :)

    How is McCartney faring? Is she coping?
    Some people (you do not fall in this category) don't think animals mourn; perhaps those people never had pets.

    When Snoopy, the son portion of our father/son Siamese duo, was killed by a car, Tippy wandered around the house for weeks (not days) meowing, searching for his buddy in all the spots they'd napped together.
    Tippy vocalized all our grief.

    I'm glad there's a ray of hope.

  3. A very good plan Debra, hope it happens very soon.

  4. That sounds like a wonderful plan Debra!

  5. Julie in Texas9:45 PM

    Love that idea! I was just admiring a pair of inseparable kitty buddies on our local shelter's web page and thinking how good it would be to adopt 2 together. You'll know when the time is right! :)

  6. You will know when the time is right, and also which kitties are the right fit. Your heart will tell you.


  7. Debra, I totally understand your grief. And I'm so sorry for the loss of your family member (yes our furry friends are family!) We've had cats for as years, starting with my grumpy calico Isabelle (who is approaching 20 years old). I expect we'll be losing her sooner, rather than later. I've grieved over the cats I "lost" when my daughter moved to KY and took her cats with her. Now this week another daughter is moving to KY and will be taking her cat and my son will be moving within the month to VA and taking his kitty with him.

    But we now have a puppy to entertain us too....she's my hubby's new baby.


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