Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear Lennon

Lennon The Cat

March 1st, 1997 -- February 18, 2011

We will always be grateful that Naomi snuck you home from the flea market beneath her jacket, for she carried home to us a good listener, a gentle soul and a sweet, best friend.

We will always miss you, Lennon. You were such a good boy.


  1. Rest in peace Lennon and God bless you Tom & Debra.

  2. Julie in Texas1:22 PM

    My condolences, Debra, Tom, Naomi. I'm glad Lennon was able to share life with you and that you loved him and he loved you. Blessings.

  3. Be embraced dear heart. May sorrow not linger too long for you. May the joy of all that Lennon was to you bring comfort to you now.

  4. I'm sorry Debra I know how much he meant to your family. Sweet baby rest in peace.

  5. I am so sorry Debra.

  6. Oh, oh, oh, oh.
    My heart hurts for you Debra; my eyes are shedding tears over a sweet little cat I didn't know.
    May you find comfort in your memories (and McCartney) and in knowing that he knew that he was much loved.

  7. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Dear Debra, Words fail me; just know I am so sorry for your loss. Hugs, Joyce

  8. I'm so sorry.
    Rest in peace Lennon

  9. It is always so hard to part with a loved pet--especially a companionable cat.
    He looks like an intelligent and sociable being.

  10. So sorry for your families loss. <>
    Lisa :O)

  11. I'm so sorry. :(
    Hugs to you and your family.

  12. I am so sad to hear about Lennon. Hugs from Ohio.

  13. Anonymous9:06 AM

    Oh Debra, I am so sorry for your loss. We have an old dog who is "14 going on 15." We know we are loving on borrowed time. They come to mean so much to us, don't they? Angela

  14. Oh, I'm so sorry Debra & Tom. Losing a pet is hard to accurately describe and oh so painful. Love to you.

  15. I'm sorry for you loss, Dear. But can you be glad that Lennon is no longer in pain...

    Gentle hugs...

  16. I'm sorry. It is so hard to lose a 4-legged family member.

    When we lost our last dog (tragically young, 3 1/2, to cancer) we left the next day on a company trip. The day we got home from that trip, I drove to OH to pick up my son at my sister's home. I came home with not only my son, but a 6 week old Lab. We hadn't even been home as a family for 24 hours without our other dog. It was totally unexpected but it turned out to be the best thing for us.

    Whatever you decide, good luck. It can be lonely to not have a 4 legged friend who loves you unconditionally!

  17. I am so sorry Debra.

    Our dog passed last November, and some days I turn and expect to see him standing there.

    Our pets are our friends and a part of our family.

    My heart goes out to you.


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