Monday, February 14, 2011

The Bad Side of My Valentine's Day

Uh-oh. If you're having a lovely Valentine's Day and don't want it to be spoiled, please scroll down and read my earlier post. Then return tomorrow to read this one.

In other words, Bad News/Bad Mood Alert!

Previously, Valentine's Day of 2005 was the worst one on record for me. That was the day we discovered that our cat, Skittles, was terminally ill. One week later, she was gone.

Well, six years later, this day feels even worse. The vet told us that Lennon is in renal failure, and most likely, won't last much longer. He'll need those water-like treatments which, fortunately, Naomi can help with since she's had experience with her cat, Oreo.

So there's that. Lennon's home now, but I can barely look at him without crying. For no charge, the vet gave us new syringes, new insulin, a few cans of the new cat food Lennon must eat and didn't charge anything for the extra two nights' stay. We even have a $1.08 credit.

But still.

And then on the way home amidst all the grey clouds and grey everything else and 50 mph winds and dirty snow along the road, I told Tom, "I've had it. I cannot take another Buffalo winter. I just can't. Let's move to Kentucky or someplace where snow is rare and real estate is cheap. Sell our house and buy a cabin in the woods, or something."

Yes, I said that. And meant it.

Doesn't help that on Saturday I broke a piece of a back tooth. And I don't currently have dental insurance (but at least a simple filling costs way, way less than just one month's insurance payment would).

And it only goes downhill from there.

So! With the way I/we feel at this moment, I am soooo open to suggestions of where we should move! (Some of you have wished I lived nextdoor so hey! If you don't live in snow country........)

We're thinking some southern state where we could get a beat-up old house on an acre or less for $65,000. (Don't laugh, there are still lots of deals like that here in NY.) Right now, I don't even care what the house looks like. Some area where, if it snows, it's either rare or only a couple inches fall now and again. Someplace where you can take walks during the winter without risking losing a toe (from the cold). And someplace free of tornadoes, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes.

And yes, I am in a bad mood, but! 1.) I went into this winter a little afraid, wondered if I could survive it, so it's not like I haven't imagined moving, 2.) Tom has toyed with the idea of moving from snow country since, like, he first arrived here in a Buffalo blizzard back in '93 and 3.) Now's a good time to leave since Tom's without a job anyway and 4.) Naomi, too, is longing to 'get out of Dodge', more than ever.

So suggest away! And too, I'd appreciate any prayers, for this is a rough time for all of us. The good thing, though, is that I'm beginning to feel some new life blood flowing through my veins--and with the way I've felt the past two weeks (months?), especially--it's a very welcome feeling. I'm thinking this openness to moving is what God's been after all along, for really, something just hasn't felt quite right.

But it feels right now... That elusive divine discontent is falling away and being replaced by much hopeful anticipation.


  1. Texas is a great state. They do have tornadoes, but you're unlikely to find a warm state that doesn't have some small risk of natural disaster. In rural areas there are still bargains to be found.

  2. Oh Debra, I am so sorry about Lennon. I know how it feels I have been through that with 2 dogs that we had over 15 years. As for as the moving,please please come to N. Florida. There are some very good deals on real estate here,right now and believe it or not you can find something on an acre for $60,000. Praying for you!

  3. Well girl, NC about the half way point and the winters have been mild for the most part for some time. We did have that one 9 inch snow but it left pretty quickly. Here you have the coast and the mountains to enjoy. You might want to do a search of Halifax County and real estate. Might find it interesting.

  4. I don't have any suggestions. But I do wish I could surround you with gentle hugs. It's being an awful time, for you, and I am sorry.

    Lots of people in Blog Land, are "down," from the time of year and all. But you are truly sad, and have reason to be so. -sigh-

    No suggestions. Just many good wishes.

    And thank you so much, for my mail today.

    Lots and lots of gentle hugs...

  5. It's been a taxing winter for many of us. Hang in there spring will come.

  6. Debra~ So sorry to hear about Lennon. Praying for the situation.
    It has been a hard winter for us here in Texas as well - but normally we only have about 1-2 days of snow/ice - so Texas may just be the place your you!
    Lisa :o)

  7. I to feel bad about Lennon it's not an easy thing. Prayers are here for you. In the Tri-cites Washington state the climate is warm in the summers and the winters are pretty mild. Maybe 3 weeks out of the winter we have snow. Some years we only have rain, there are lots of homes in your price range and the living is cheap compared to most states. So this is one place you can google and good luck!

  8. My dear old diabetic renal failure cat survived for an entire year on only grocery store rotesserie chicken. And lots of water. Worth a try - and cheap!

    Praying for you, and Lennon.

  9. Julie in Texas2:11 AM

    I am so sorry to hear about Lennon! Our 12 year old cat also suffered from a similar problem in 2007, and I was so sad. We live in Texas and though it is hot here in the Summer, we escape as best we can or immerse ourselves in water. We had an unusually cold and snowy/icy month just lately, but right now, I have just trimmed my rose bushes, hung out my spider plants on my sunny 70 degree porch and everyone is wearing shorts and t-shirts again. Most everything is still green, people are "mowing" their lawns and this temperateness is common Winter weather here.

    Real estate can be quite a good deal here and though I live on the coast, my most favorite area of Texas is on a green, hilly belt, covered with live oak trees, It starts from about Cuero and arcs NE past wonderful towns of Gonzales, Smithville, Brenham, Sealy, Bellville towards the College Station. Though hurricanes may come in on the coast, they don't offer the gut-punch destruction in these area. You can get a tornado any where these days, but stay to the east of I-35 and it is not so common in these areas. Check this one out in Weimar, TX and see what you think:

    I am saying prayers for your kitty and your family. This year is a big transition year for many of us, I think. Blessings!

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about Lennon.
    I know how hard it is to lose a much loved pet.

    My brother lives in TN and loves it. The weather is usually mild, no state income tax, and land is not terribly expensive.

    One of my daughters lives in TX and we have a cottage there. It is near the coast, and the humidity is sometimes oppressive. There are also rattlesnakes, coral snakes, scorpions, roaches, etc. in abundance. Every place has its drawbacks, but some are definitely better than others.

    Praying that you will be led to where you are supposed to be.


  11. I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. I live in Richmond, VA and I know you were thinking about moving here at one point:) I must warn you about the heat and humidity in the south. I know you don't like that much. I would hate for you to be out of the pan- into the fire so to speak. That said, some of the mountainous areas in the west of the state are much cooler in the summers. Sending prayers your way.

  12. I am sorry about Lennon. Here in Charlottesville we still can get bad winters and it's expensive and hot in the summer.

  13. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Perth, Western Australia. :)

    It never snows here and if it gets anywhere near 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit) we talk about how it's incredibly cold and what a rare event it is. A cold minimum in winter is about 5 degrees Celsius (41 degrees Fahrenheit).

    Probably a bit further than you wanted to move but I thought I should throw it in.


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