Monday, January 10, 2011

Ways Today Affects Tomorrow

Something Tom and I enjoyed about the series, Heroes, was the way the characters kept discovering that everything is connected.

What happened months ago affected what happened today. A choice any character made affected other characters and the future of the world, even.

And that reminded me of how, while God taught me not to sweat the small stuff, He also taught me not to fear the big stuff like unemployment and where that could take us future-wise. On Tom's long stretches of days-off, God worked hard to teach me acceptance of Tom's constant presence and how to receive Grace for that--not easy for me, a major loner. (Truthfully, those reminder lessons are coming hot and heavy again lately.) ツ

And in the 1980's and 90's when I was super into couponing, refunding, cooking from scratch and living simply and inexpensively, God knew all that experience would enable me to slip easily back into that lifestyle now, in 2011, when it's a real necessity.

Because Tom and I practiced for years obeying God in small areas we were then ready, willing, to move out here to this farm when God said move now. Living out here at this time makes an incredible difference in how we feel and I cringe to think how trapped, claustrophobic I'd be if we were still s-q-u-e-e-z-e-d between those two houses in the suburbs, without a job, without a way to buy a different house (loan companies not being real compassionate about handing over money to unemployed people for new houses. Alas.).

Instead, we have acres to roam and views of woods from our windows (instead of brick walls and fluorescent blue siding)and endless places to grow our own food, a fruit orchard and an "apartment' upstairs just right for Naomi and covered parking for her, too. And to think that He gave us two whole years on this land in which to make changes and to buy necessary items from yard sales for our new country life, well, that reminds me His timing is perfect.

The connections are endless, I think. The ripples of lessons and obedience and test-taking and re-taking spread out wide, even possibly affecting a future on Earth after we have gone and very much affecting our life in Heaven.

At least, that's what I believe.

Not one of God's simple daily lessons is insignificant. I constantly remind myself-- learn your lessons well today, for Today's small teachings around the house, job and neighborhood always matter far more than we believe they do.


"Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands. Know then in your heart that as a man disciplines his son, so the Lord your God disciplines you." ... Deuteronomy 8: 2,5


"Despise not the day of small beginnings..." ... Zechariah 4:10



  1. Debra you are on a roll girl, Keep the good stuff coming.

  2. Anonymous11:39 AM

    One thing that I have taken from your blog is to "listen" to God's messages.
    I am trying to get back on track, after going overboard at Christmas.
    I have a hard time resisting a great bargain, even when I don't need it!
    I have asked God to help me in this area, and on one occasion I had a strong feeling that I should not purchase an item on line, and all kinds of obstacles kept happening. My new computer kept creating problems, I had a nagging feeling that I should not order the item, but ignored it all. I did order the item, and regretted it the next day. I found out that the item was not what I thought it was, and was overly priced. I prayed for a resolution, was led in the direction I took, and the sale was canceled! Now, I am paying much more attention to those feelings and am determined to pay off the credit card I used for Christmas shopping, and then cut it up!

  3. Anonymous4:23 PM

    This is a good message Debra. It reminded me of a plaque I have on my wall. In a large font it says "One Shoe Can Change Your Life" When you first see it you wonder "what in the world does that mean?" After a minute you lean closer and read the author's name in very small print. Then it makes sense, the author of the quote is Cinderella. Any little day to day choice could turn out to be important.
    Smiles, Barbara

  4. My husband has been out of work for the last year too, and even though I get greatly discouraged, again, "ALL things work together for GOOD..." Instead of time passing be by, now I feel each DAY and each Moment of mercy...

  5. Anonymous12:02 AM

    I am a bit of a loner type too and being a homemaker for most of our married life I am having a hard time with hubby home 24/7 now that he is retired. He has been out of work for a year at a time but I knew then that Sometime he would be back to work. Now he will be home forever! :) He wants me to go everywhere with him and when we are home my time is certainly not my own! :) Any lessons you have learned to be Graceful at this time you could pass on would be appreciated!! :) I know he sure deserves to be retired now and I love this man ..but!! :) :) Sheryl


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