Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birthday Reminiscing

So. Today is Naomi's birthday.

And two days ago a young friend of mine had a baby and when she wrote on Facebook that she just wants to get Gage home, I could remember like it was last year how I'd wanted to run from the hospital, too, with my new baby and just start playing house with her.

Except that it was 31 years ago. Thirty one years!

Good gracious. That's how long I've tried slowing down Time because I so wanted to keep a young Naomi around our house forever. But still she grew-up in a flash in the midst of my watching her play, memorizing her, even, at 6 and 9 and 12. Still her childhood was over in what feels like, in my memory, a mere month.

Yet now she's home again, a woman this time, but our daughter still and as I wrote inside her birthday card, Naomi makes our home a nicer place to be. I think she was the missing piece of our farm--we needed our daughter here to share these acres with us. To complete them and our country adventure.

Yes, that must be it because since Naomi's arrival my love/hate relationship with this old farm has ceased. A truce occurred and now love stands by itself. And though sometimes I wish we could have raised a young Naomi here--because of this new peace--I know all is as it should be. We're in the right season at the right time.

And on this 31st birthday of Naomi's, all is well.


Romans 14:19
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another."


  1. Happy birthday to beautiful Naomi!
    Time certainly has a way of rushing past doesn't it?
    I just told my daughter the other day that I wish I could have those baby years with my grandsons again...even for a moment, but nooo they insist on being in their 20's!
    Still we will cherish the moments we are in because each has its own reward!

  2. Yes she is beautiful and tell her happy birthday from Odie in NC

  3. Happy Birthday to Naomi!

  4. Belated Happy Birthday to Naomi! A lovely young woman.

    But... Don't talk too much about time moving too quickly, till she is 51. -giggles- That's what our Lisa is.

    Hugs and ♥'s...
    'Cause Valentine Day is coming!


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