Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where She Calls Everyone a Liar (Kinda)

One day when we lived in the burbs our elderly neighbor, Nancy, asked me if I'd ever worked outside the home. I told her not really, that I'd worked only as a dishwasher in a small cafe when Tom and I were first married.

Nancy shook her head and said, "That's too bad. I always like to see that wives are prepared to go out and work in case their husbands lose their jobs. I had to start teaching when George lost his job many years ago and it got us through some hard times."

I nodded, then asked where she taught school, mostly just to get her off the subject of me being an unqualified dweeb. heh.

But what raced through my mind? "I don't have to worry about Tom losing his job. People always need power from power plants. Besides, God's always kept Tom working and by faith, I believe He always will."

Good grief. Ever needed a definition for presumption? I just gave you one.

Always I'll be glad that Tom lost his job. Why would I say such a thing? Because of the new lessons, the new ways of being stretched in our faith and the compassion I have for my fellow passengers in our same boat.

Usually, I get shivers down my spine when I hear people ask, "Lord, why did you let this happen to me? I did everything right."

Oh, the pride!

Now, do I believe it's wrong to question God? No. But when I question Him, it's to find out where I went wrong, not where He did. It's because I'm ready to hear an answer I probably won't like. At all.

It's like this verse says:

"Let God be true, but every man a liar." ... Romans 3:4

God is true, without blame and never made a mistake in His life. But I'm the one who takes wrong turns, the one who didn't take Nancy's words seriously. Oh, they did urge me to practice my writing in this blog more frequently and writing here is one thing I've done faithfully. But should I have done more?

Did my presumption clog my ears from hearing godly instructions about being better prepared for Tom's future lay-off? I mean, we're ok now and, all things considered, everything is fine. But should I have done more?

That's what I'm questioning. 

But never will you hear me question God about His part in any difficult time, for He is faithful. He is perfect. It is people who make mistakes and are unfaithful and foolish. People like me. People in the power plant business, doctors, FDA employees, government leaders, drivers of cars, and well, everyone else. 

And if something goes wrong, if a mistake is made, I might question God about it, but only to find out where I or other people went wrong--not Him. Not ever.


P.S. Thankfully I know God isn't condemning me about all this so I'm not condemning myself about it, either. Just learning, growing and moving on.


Here's another post about my neighbor, Nancy.



  1. So true. I also love ( and depend on) the scripture, there is now therefore no condemnation. In other words, God is not only there so steer us but to save us.

  2. I can identify with her statement. When my father died in 1974 he had run a country store all of his married life and my mother helped in the store. She never had a drivers license so she had to learn how to drive and got herself a job at a small manufacturing plant. She soon became an inspector and before she died went to the community college and got her GED and graduated with her cap & gown. People do overcome.

  3. Judy--thanks.
    Sara--oh, I know, that's a favorite verse of mine and one of the reasons I have 22 posts in my label column under the heading of Conviction vs. Condemnation. I believe, personally, that none of us are going too far until we learn the difference between the two. :)
    Odie--thanks for telling me your mom's story! She sounded like a great woman, the kind who didn't let adversity bring her down. We need more women like that!
    Thanks, Everyone....Debra


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