Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Pumpkins and Coupons and Anniversaries, Oh My!

So we're at 38 sunny, though chilly degrees this afternoon, but a dear friend from the hometown we visited on vacation stated on Facebook that they are at a mere 5 degrees. Oy! So you'll hear no complaints about our nippiness (which suddenly feels not so nippy).

Speaking of Facebook, did you know you can sign- up with people like Coupon Dad or Money Saving Mom (etc.) and they'll give you links on your home page for coupons and such? Already I've received my free Purina One (good sized) pouch from Walmart and next they will send me a free serving of vanilla -flavored coffee. Thanks to Money Saving Mom for those. And just moments ago, because of Coupon Dad, I downloaded two coupons which will each get me $1 off of a cute little box of Birds Eye vegetables.

Just thought I'd mention yet one more great thing about Facebook. 

Oh! And regarding all the leftover printed paper below the coupons I print -- I cut that into semi-uniform pieces (approximately 3 x 8 inches), stacking them, then staple them together at the top so to make tablets for scribbling notes.  Great for shopping lists, bookmarks, notes for family members, etc.

I just got in from my petrified garden where I wrestled a pumpkin from its vine so I could slice it, then bake it for pumpkin puree for pies. I followed Mary Jane Butter's 'recipe' from the latest issue of her magazine--I've not made my own pumpkin puree in probably 21 years.

(Whenever I need to recall how long ago something was, I always ask myself, "How old was Naomi at that time?" and then figure the difference between her age then and now. Does anyone else measure time by the ages of your children?)

And lastly, tomorrow is not only Thanksgiving, of course, but it's also Tom's and my 32nd anniversary. Wow. Thirty-two long, hard years as we are known to joke to each other. ツ


Happy Thanksgiving to you, my Readers! On this Thanksgiving Eve, I am thankful for you.



  1. And a happy thanksgiving to you and Tom as well as happy anniversary in case I don't get to say it tomorrow. Have a great rest of the week.

  2. kimberly s4:39 PM

    happy anniversary! have a wonderful day!


  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you Debra & Tom! I hope yours is full of family and good food. God Bless, Pearl

  4. Happy Anniversary to two wonderful people! And Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Happy Anniversary, Debra and Tom. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I'm so thankful for your blog. It's warm, here in south Texas, but colder weather expected. Joyce

  6. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Just reverse the numbers, and it is my husband's and my anniversary, too.
    Kind of gets lost in the Thanksgiving day atmosphere, but that is okay!


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